
ladybugdynamo.sunlighthours module

Sunlight hours library for Dynamo

"""Sunlight hours library for Dynamo"""
from ladybug.listoperations import unflatten
from sunpath import Sun
from analysis import LBAnalysis
import geometryoperations as go

class Sunlighthours(LBAnalysis):
    """Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

            vectors: A list of sun vectors. Vectors will be flipped during the analysis
            datetimes: A list of LB datetime values with equal length as sun vector
            testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points.
            geometries: A list of all the geometries in scene
    def __init__(self, vectors, datetimes, testPoints, geometries):
        self.__guideList = testPoints
        LBAnalysis.__init__(self, vectors, testPoints, geometries)

    def byTestGeometries(cls, vectors, datetimes, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):
        # generate test points from geometries
        testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
        return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

    def bySunsTestPoints(cls, suns, testPoints, contextGeometries):
        """Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

            suns: A list of Ladbug suns
            testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points.
            contextGeometries: A list of context geometries
        vectors = range(len(suns))
        datetimes = range(len(suns))
        return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, contextGeometries)

    def bySunsTestGeometries(cls, suns, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):

        # generate test points from geometries
        testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
        return cls.bySunsTestPoints(suns, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

    def runAnalysis(self, parallel = False):
        for analysisPoint in self.analysisPoints:
            analysisPoint.calculateIntersections(self.geometries, parallel)

        self.isExecuted = True

    #TODO: create meaningful outputs from the analysis
    def results(self):
        """Return results of the analysis"""
        if not self.isExecuted:
            self.runAnalysis(parallel = True)

        # package the results and return the package
        #return [[line.ray for line in ap.lineRays] for ap in self.analysisPoints]
        #return [ap.intersections for ap in self.analysisPoints]
        return unflatten(self.__guideList, iter([ap.totalNotIntersected for ap in self.analysisPoints]))


class Sunlighthours

Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

Attributes: vectors: A list of sun vectors. Vectors will be flipped during the analysis datetimes: A list of LB datetime values with equal length as sun vector testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points. geometries: A list of all the geometries in scene

class Sunlighthours(LBAnalysis):
    """Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

            vectors: A list of sun vectors. Vectors will be flipped during the analysis
            datetimes: A list of LB datetime values with equal length as sun vector
            testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points.
            geometries: A list of all the geometries in scene
    def __init__(self, vectors, datetimes, testPoints, geometries):
        self.__guideList = testPoints
        LBAnalysis.__init__(self, vectors, testPoints, geometries)

    def byTestGeometries(cls, vectors, datetimes, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):
        # generate test points from geometries
        testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
        return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

    def bySunsTestPoints(cls, suns, testPoints, contextGeometries):
        """Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

            suns: A list of Ladbug suns
            testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points.
            contextGeometries: A list of context geometries
        vectors = range(len(suns))
        datetimes = range(len(suns))
        return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, contextGeometries)

    def bySunsTestGeometries(cls, suns, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):

        # generate test points from geometries
        testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
        return cls.bySunsTestPoints(suns, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

    def runAnalysis(self, parallel = False):
        for analysisPoint in self.analysisPoints:
            analysisPoint.calculateIntersections(self.geometries, parallel)

        self.isExecuted = True

    #TODO: create meaningful outputs from the analysis
    def results(self):
        """Return results of the analysis"""
        if not self.isExecuted:
            self.runAnalysis(parallel = True)

        # package the results and return the package
        #return [[line.ray for line in ap.lineRays] for ap in self.analysisPoints]
        #return [ap.intersections for ap in self.analysisPoints]
        return unflatten(self.__guideList, iter([ap.totalNotIntersected for ap in self.analysisPoints]))

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • Sunlighthours
  • ladybugdynamo.analysis.LBAnalysis
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var results

Return results of the analysis


def __init__(

self, vectors, datetimes, testPoints, geometries)

def __init__(self, vectors, datetimes, testPoints, geometries):
    self.__guideList = testPoints
    LBAnalysis.__init__(self, vectors, testPoints, geometries)

def bySkyTestPoints(


def bySkyTestPoints(cls):

def bySunsTestGeometries(

cls, suns, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)

def bySunsTestGeometries(cls, suns, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):
    # generate test points from geometries
    testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
    return cls.bySunsTestPoints(suns, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

def bySunsTestPoints(

cls, suns, testPoints, contextGeometries)

Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo

Args: suns: A list of Ladbug suns testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points. contextGeometries: A list of context geometries

def bySunsTestPoints(cls, suns, testPoints, contextGeometries):
    """Ladybug sunlight hours for Dynamo
        suns: A list of Ladbug suns
        testPoints: A single list or several lists of test points.
        contextGeometries: A list of context geometries
    vectors = range(len(suns))
    datetimes = range(len(suns))
    return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, contextGeometries)

def byTestGeometries(

cls, vectors, datetimes, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)

def byTestGeometries(cls, vectors, datetimes, testGeometries, contextGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf):
    # generate test points from geometries
    testPoints = go.generatePointsFromGeometries(testGeometries, gridSize, distanceFromBaseSrf)
    return cls(vectors, datetimes, testPoints, testGeometries + contextGeometries)

def runAnalysis(

self, parallel=False)

def runAnalysis(self, parallel = False):
    for analysisPoint in self.analysisPoints:
        analysisPoint.calculateIntersections(self.geometries, parallel)
    self.isExecuted = True