
ladybugdynamo.ladybug.sunpath module

import math
import core
import euclid

# Dear developers,
# If classes will be used as base class in geometries use LB in front of class names
# This will avoid name confusions between the libraries and all the geometry libraries
# can use the same class name (e.g Sunpath)

class LBSunpath(object):
    Calculates sun path

        latitude: The latitude of the location. Values must be between -90 and 90. Default is set to the equator.
        northAngle: Angle to north (0-360). 90 is west and 270 is east (Default: 0)
        longitude: The longitude of the location (Default: 0)
        timeZone: A number representing the time zone of the location you are constructing. This can improve the accuracy of the resulting sun plot.  The time zone should follow the epw convention and should be between -12 and +12, where 0 is at Greenwich, UK, positive values are to the East of Greenwich and negative values are to the West.
        daylightSavingPeriod: An analysis period for daylight saving. (Default = None)

        import ladybug.sunpath as sunpath
        # initiate sunpath
        sp = sunpath.LBSunpath(50)
        sun = sp.calculateSun(1, 1, 12) # calculate sun data for Jan 1 at noon
        print sun.azimuth, sun.altitude

    def __init__(self, latitude = 0, northAngle = 0, longitude = 0, timeZone = 0,
                daylightSavingPeriod = None):

        self.__latitude = math.radians(float(latitude))
        self.__longitude = math.radians(float(longitude))
        self.northAngle = northAngle
        self.timeZone = timeZone
        self.daylightSavingPeriod = daylightSavingPeriod

    def fromLocation(cls, location, northAngle = 0, daylightSavingPeriod = None):
        return cls(location.latitude, northAngle, location.longitude, \
            location.timeZone, daylightSavingPeriod)

    def latitude(self):
        """get latitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__latitude)

    def latitude(self, value):
        """set latitude value in degrees"""
        self.__latitude = math.radians(float(value))

    def longitude(self):
        """get latitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__latitude)

    def longitude(self, value):
        """set latitude value in degrees"""
        self.__longitude = math.radians(float(value))

    def isDaylightSavingHour(self, datetime):
        if not self.daylightSavingPeriod: return False
        return self.daylightSavingPeriod.isTimeIncluded(datetime.HOY)

    def calculateSun(self, month, day, hour, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year

                month: An integer between 1-12
                day: An integer between 1-31
                hour: A positive number <= 24
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour)
        return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

    def calculateSunFromHOY(self, HOY, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year

                datetime: Ladybug datetime
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        datetime = core.LBDateTime.fromHOY(HOY)
        return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

    def calculateSunFromDataTime(self, datetime, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year
            This code is originally written by Trygve Wastvedt (
            based on (NOAA) and modified by Chris Mackey and Mostapha Roudsari

                datetime: Ladybug datetime
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)

        month, day, hour = datetime.month,, datetime.floatHour
        isDaylightSaving = self.isDaylightSavingHour(datetime.HOY)
        if isDaylightSaving: hour += 1

        solTime = self.__calculateSolarTime(hour, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)

        hourAngle = (solTime*15 + 180) if (solTime*15 < 0) else (solTime*15 - 180)

        zenith = math.acos(math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.sin(solDec) \
            + math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.cos(solDec)*math.cos(math.radians(hourAngle)))

        altitude = (math.pi/2) - zenith

        if hourAngle == 0.0 or hourAngle == -180.0 or hourAngle == 180.0:
            if solDec < self.__latitude: azimuth = math.pi
            else: azimuth = 0.0
            azimuth = ((math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
                - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith))) + math.pi) % (2*math.pi)) \
                if (hourAngle > 0) else \
                    ((3*math.pi - math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
                    - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith)))) % (2*math.pi))

        # create the sun for this hour
        return LBSun(datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, self.northAngle)

    def calculateSunriseSunset(self, month, day, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
        datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour = 12)
        return self.calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(datetime, depression, isSolarTime)

    # TODO: implement solar time
    def calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(self, datetime, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
        """Calculate sunrise, sunset and noon for a day of year"""

        solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)

        # calculate sunrise and sunset hour
        #if isSolarTime:
        #    noon = .5
        noon = (720 - 4 * math.degrees(self.__longitude) - eqOfTime + self.timeZone * 60) / 1440

        sunRiseHourAngle = self.__calculateSunriseHourAngle(solDec, depression)
        sunrise  = noon - sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440
        sunset   = noon + sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440

        # convert demical hour to solar hour
        # noon    = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*noon, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
        # sunrise = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunrise, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
        # sunset  = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunset, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)

        return {
                "sunrise"   : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunrise),
                "noon"      : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * noon),
                "sunset"    : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunset)}

    def __calculateSolarGeometry(self, datetime, year = 2015):

        """Calculate Solar geometry for an hour of the year

                datetime: A Ladybug datetime

                Solar declination: Solar declination in radians
                eqOfTime: Equation of time as minutes

        month, day, hour = datetime.month,, datetime.floatHour

        a = 1 if (month < 3) else 0
        y = year + 4800 - a
        m = month + 12*a - 3

        julianDay = day + math.floor((153*m + 2)/5) + 59

        julianDay += (hour - self.timeZone)/24.0  + 365*y + math.floor(y/4) \
            - math.floor(y/100) + math.floor(y/400) - 32045.5 - 59

        julianCentury = (julianDay - 2451545) / 36525

        geomMeanLongSun = (280.46646 + julianCentury * (36000.76983 + julianCentury*0.0003032)) % 360

        geomMeanAnomSun = 357.52911 + julianCentury*(35999.05029 - 0.0001537*julianCentury)
        eccentOrbit = 0.016708634 - julianCentury*(0.000042037 + 0.0000001267*julianCentury)
        sunEqOfCtr = math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun))*(1.914602 - julianCentury*(0.004817+0.000014*julianCentury)) + \
            math.sin(math.radians(2*geomMeanAnomSun))*(0.019993-0.000101*julianCentury) + \

        sunTrueLong = geomMeanLongSun + sunEqOfCtr
        sunTrueAnom = geomMeanAnomSun + sunEqOfCtr
        sunRadVector = (1.000001018*(1 - eccentOrbit**2))/ \
            (1 + eccentOrbit*math.cos(math.radians(sunTrueLong)))
        sunAppLong = sunTrueLong - 0.00569 - 0.00478*math.sin(math.radians(125.04-1934.136*julianCentury))

        meanObliqEcliptic = 23 + (26 + ((21.448 - julianCentury*(46.815 + \
            julianCentury*(0.00059 - julianCentury*0.001813))))/60)/60
        obliqueCorr = meanObliqEcliptic + 0.00256*math.cos(math.radians(125.04 - 1934.136*julianCentury))
        sunRightAscen = math.degrees(math.atan2(math.cos(math.radians(obliqueCorr))* \
            math.sin(math.radians(sunAppLong)), math.cos(math.radians(sunAppLong))))

        solDec = math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(obliqueCorr))*math.sin(math.radians(sunAppLong)))

        varY = math.tan(math.radians(obliqueCorr/2))*math.tan(math.radians(obliqueCorr/2))

        eqOfTime = 4*math.degrees(varY*math.sin(2*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 2*eccentOrbit*math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun)) \
            + 4*eccentOrbit*varY*math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun))*math.cos(2*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 0.5*(varY**2)*math.sin(4*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 1.25*(eccentOrbit**2)*math.sin(2*math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun)))

        return solDec, eqOfTime

    def __calculateSunriseHourAngle(self, solarDec, depression = 0.833):
        """Calculate hour angle for sunrise time in degrees"""
        hourAngleArg = math.cos(math.radians(90 + depression)) \
            /(math.cos(self.__latitude) * math.cos(solarDec)) \
            - math.tan(self.__latitude) * math.tan(solarDec)

        return math.degrees(math.acos(hourAngleArg))

    def __calculateSolarTime(self, hour, eqOfTime, isSolarTime):
        """Calculate Solar time for an hour"""
        if isSolarTime: return hour
        return ((hour*60 + eqOfTime + 4*math.degrees(self.__longitude) - 60*self.timeZone) % 1440)/60

class LBSun(object):
    """Create a sun

        datetime: A Ladybug datetime that represents the datetime for this sunVector
        altitude: Solar Altitude in radians
        azimuth: Solar Azimuth in radians
        isSolarTime: A Boolean that indicates if datetime represents the solar time
        isDaylightSaving: A Boolean that indicates if datetime is calculated for Daylight saving period
        northAngle: North angle of the sunpath in Degrees. This will be only used to calculate the solar vector.

    def __init__(self, datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, northAngle):
        self.__datetime = datetime
        self.__altitude = altitude
        self.__azimuth = azimuth
        self.__isSolarTime = isSolarTime
        self.__isDaylightSaving = isDaylightSaving
        self.__northAngle = northAngle # useful to calculate sun vector - sun angle is in degrees
        self.__hourlyData = [] # Place holder for hourly data I'm not sure how it will work yet

    def datetime(self):
        """Return datetime"""
        return self.__datetime

    def northAngle(self):
        """Return north angle for +YAxis"""
        return self.__northAngle

    def HOY(self):
        """Return Hour of the year"""
        return self.__datetime.floatHOY

    def altitude(self):
        """Return solar altitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__altitude)

    def azimuth(self):
        """Return solar azimuth in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__azimuth)

    def altitudeInRadians(self):
        """Return solar altitude in radians"""
        return self.__altitude

    def azimuthInRadians(self):
        """Return solar azimuth in radians"""
        return self.__azimuth

    def isSolarTime(self):
        """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time"""
        return self.__isSolarTime

    def isDaylightSaving(self):
        """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time"""
        return self.__isDaylightSaving

    def hourlyData(self):
        return self.__hourlyData

    def appendHourlyData(self, data):
        """Append Ladybug hourly data to this sun"""
        assert data.datetime.HOY == self.HOY
        return True

    def isDuringDay(self):
        # sun vector is flipped to look to the center
        return self.sunVector.z <= 0

    def sunVector(self):
        """Return sun vector for this sun
            Sun vector will face
        zAxis = euclid.Vector3(0., 0., -1.)
        xAxis = euclid.Vector3(1., 0., 0.)
        northVector = euclid.Vector3(0., 1., 0.)

        # rotate north vector based on azimuth, altitude, and north
        sunvector = northVector \
            .rotate_around(xAxis, self.__altitude) \
            .rotate_around(zAxis, self.__azimuth) \
            .rotate_around(zAxis, math.radians(-self.__northAngle))


        return sunvector


class LBSun

Create a sun

Attributes: datetime: A Ladybug datetime that represents the datetime for this sunVector altitude: Solar Altitude in radians azimuth: Solar Azimuth in radians isSolarTime: A Boolean that indicates if datetime represents the solar time isDaylightSaving: A Boolean that indicates if datetime is calculated for Daylight saving period northAngle: North angle of the sunpath in Degrees. This will be only used to calculate the solar vector.

class LBSun(object):
    """Create a sun

        datetime: A Ladybug datetime that represents the datetime for this sunVector
        altitude: Solar Altitude in radians
        azimuth: Solar Azimuth in radians
        isSolarTime: A Boolean that indicates if datetime represents the solar time
        isDaylightSaving: A Boolean that indicates if datetime is calculated for Daylight saving period
        northAngle: North angle of the sunpath in Degrees. This will be only used to calculate the solar vector.

    def __init__(self, datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, northAngle):
        self.__datetime = datetime
        self.__altitude = altitude
        self.__azimuth = azimuth
        self.__isSolarTime = isSolarTime
        self.__isDaylightSaving = isDaylightSaving
        self.__northAngle = northAngle # useful to calculate sun vector - sun angle is in degrees
        self.__hourlyData = [] # Place holder for hourly data I'm not sure how it will work yet

    def datetime(self):
        """Return datetime"""
        return self.__datetime

    def northAngle(self):
        """Return north angle for +YAxis"""
        return self.__northAngle

    def HOY(self):
        """Return Hour of the year"""
        return self.__datetime.floatHOY

    def altitude(self):
        """Return solar altitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__altitude)

    def azimuth(self):
        """Return solar azimuth in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__azimuth)

    def altitudeInRadians(self):
        """Return solar altitude in radians"""
        return self.__altitude

    def azimuthInRadians(self):
        """Return solar azimuth in radians"""
        return self.__azimuth

    def isSolarTime(self):
        """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time"""
        return self.__isSolarTime

    def isDaylightSaving(self):
        """Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time"""
        return self.__isDaylightSaving

    def hourlyData(self):
        return self.__hourlyData

    def appendHourlyData(self, data):
        """Append Ladybug hourly data to this sun"""
        assert data.datetime.HOY == self.HOY
        return True

    def isDuringDay(self):
        # sun vector is flipped to look to the center
        return self.sunVector.z <= 0

    def sunVector(self):
        """Return sun vector for this sun
            Sun vector will face
        zAxis = euclid.Vector3(0., 0., -1.)
        xAxis = euclid.Vector3(1., 0., 0.)
        northVector = euclid.Vector3(0., 1., 0.)

        # rotate north vector based on azimuth, altitude, and north
        sunvector = northVector \
            .rotate_around(xAxis, self.__altitude) \
            .rotate_around(zAxis, self.__azimuth) \
            .rotate_around(zAxis, math.radians(-self.__northAngle))


        return sunvector

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • LBSun
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var HOY

Return Hour of the year

var altitude

Return solar altitude in degrees

var altitudeInRadians

Return solar altitude in radians

var azimuth

Return solar azimuth in degrees

var azimuthInRadians

Return solar azimuth in radians

var datetime

Return datetime

var hourlyData

var isDaylightSaving

Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time

var isDuringDay

var isSolarTime

Return a Boolean that indicates is datetime is solar time

var northAngle

Return north angle for +YAxis

var sunVector

Return sun vector for this sun Sun vector will face


def __init__(

self, datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, northAngle)

def __init__(self, datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, northAngle):
    self.__datetime = datetime
    self.__altitude = altitude
    self.__azimuth = azimuth
    self.__isSolarTime = isSolarTime
    self.__isDaylightSaving = isDaylightSaving
    self.__northAngle = northAngle # useful to calculate sun vector - sun angle is in degrees
    self.__hourlyData = [] # Place holder for hourly data I'm not sure how it will work yet

def appendHourlyData(

self, data)

Append Ladybug hourly data to this sun

def appendHourlyData(self, data):
    """Append Ladybug hourly data to this sun"""
    assert data.datetime.HOY == self.HOY
    return True

class LBSunpath

Calculates sun path

Attributes: latitude: The latitude of the location. Values must be between -90 and 90. Default is set to the equator. northAngle: Angle to north (0-360). 90 is west and 270 is east (Default: 0) longitude: The longitude of the location (Default: 0) timeZone: A number representing the time zone of the location you are constructing. This can improve the accuracy of the resulting sun plot. The time zone should follow the epw convention and should be between -12 and +12, where 0 is at Greenwich, UK, positive values are to the East of Greenwich and negative values are to the West. daylightSavingPeriod: An analysis period for daylight saving. (Default = None)

Usage: import ladybug.sunpath as sunpath # initiate sunpath sp = sunpath.LBSunpath(50) sun = sp.calculateSun(1, 1, 12) # calculate sun data for Jan 1 at noon print sun.azimuth, sun.altitude

class LBSunpath(object):
    Calculates sun path

        latitude: The latitude of the location. Values must be between -90 and 90. Default is set to the equator.
        northAngle: Angle to north (0-360). 90 is west and 270 is east (Default: 0)
        longitude: The longitude of the location (Default: 0)
        timeZone: A number representing the time zone of the location you are constructing. This can improve the accuracy of the resulting sun plot.  The time zone should follow the epw convention and should be between -12 and +12, where 0 is at Greenwich, UK, positive values are to the East of Greenwich and negative values are to the West.
        daylightSavingPeriod: An analysis period for daylight saving. (Default = None)

        import ladybug.sunpath as sunpath
        # initiate sunpath
        sp = sunpath.LBSunpath(50)
        sun = sp.calculateSun(1, 1, 12) # calculate sun data for Jan 1 at noon
        print sun.azimuth, sun.altitude

    def __init__(self, latitude = 0, northAngle = 0, longitude = 0, timeZone = 0,
                daylightSavingPeriod = None):

        self.__latitude = math.radians(float(latitude))
        self.__longitude = math.radians(float(longitude))
        self.northAngle = northAngle
        self.timeZone = timeZone
        self.daylightSavingPeriod = daylightSavingPeriod

    def fromLocation(cls, location, northAngle = 0, daylightSavingPeriod = None):
        return cls(location.latitude, northAngle, location.longitude, \
            location.timeZone, daylightSavingPeriod)

    def latitude(self):
        """get latitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__latitude)

    def latitude(self, value):
        """set latitude value in degrees"""
        self.__latitude = math.radians(float(value))

    def longitude(self):
        """get latitude in degrees"""
        return math.degrees(self.__latitude)

    def longitude(self, value):
        """set latitude value in degrees"""
        self.__longitude = math.radians(float(value))

    def isDaylightSavingHour(self, datetime):
        if not self.daylightSavingPeriod: return False
        return self.daylightSavingPeriod.isTimeIncluded(datetime.HOY)

    def calculateSun(self, month, day, hour, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year

                month: An integer between 1-12
                day: An integer between 1-31
                hour: A positive number <= 24
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour)
        return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

    def calculateSunFromHOY(self, HOY, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year

                datetime: Ladybug datetime
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        datetime = core.LBDateTime.fromHOY(HOY)
        return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

    def calculateSunFromDataTime(self, datetime, isSolarTime = False):
        """Get Sun data for an hour of the year
            This code is originally written by Trygve Wastvedt (
            based on (NOAA) and modified by Chris Mackey and Mostapha Roudsari

                datetime: Ladybug datetime
                isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

                A sun object for this particular time
        solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)

        month, day, hour = datetime.month,, datetime.floatHour
        isDaylightSaving = self.isDaylightSavingHour(datetime.HOY)
        if isDaylightSaving: hour += 1

        solTime = self.__calculateSolarTime(hour, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)

        hourAngle = (solTime*15 + 180) if (solTime*15 < 0) else (solTime*15 - 180)

        zenith = math.acos(math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.sin(solDec) \
            + math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.cos(solDec)*math.cos(math.radians(hourAngle)))

        altitude = (math.pi/2) - zenith

        if hourAngle == 0.0 or hourAngle == -180.0 or hourAngle == 180.0:
            if solDec < self.__latitude: azimuth = math.pi
            else: azimuth = 0.0
            azimuth = ((math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
                - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith))) + math.pi) % (2*math.pi)) \
                if (hourAngle > 0) else \
                    ((3*math.pi - math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
                    - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith)))) % (2*math.pi))

        # create the sun for this hour
        return LBSun(datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, self.northAngle)

    def calculateSunriseSunset(self, month, day, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
        datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour = 12)
        return self.calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(datetime, depression, isSolarTime)

    # TODO: implement solar time
    def calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(self, datetime, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
        """Calculate sunrise, sunset and noon for a day of year"""

        solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)

        # calculate sunrise and sunset hour
        #if isSolarTime:
        #    noon = .5
        noon = (720 - 4 * math.degrees(self.__longitude) - eqOfTime + self.timeZone * 60) / 1440

        sunRiseHourAngle = self.__calculateSunriseHourAngle(solDec, depression)
        sunrise  = noon - sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440
        sunset   = noon + sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440

        # convert demical hour to solar hour
        # noon    = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*noon, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
        # sunrise = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunrise, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
        # sunset  = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunset, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)

        return {
                "sunrise"   : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunrise),
                "noon"      : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * noon),
                "sunset"    : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunset)}

    def __calculateSolarGeometry(self, datetime, year = 2015):

        """Calculate Solar geometry for an hour of the year

                datetime: A Ladybug datetime

                Solar declination: Solar declination in radians
                eqOfTime: Equation of time as minutes

        month, day, hour = datetime.month,, datetime.floatHour

        a = 1 if (month < 3) else 0
        y = year + 4800 - a
        m = month + 12*a - 3

        julianDay = day + math.floor((153*m + 2)/5) + 59

        julianDay += (hour - self.timeZone)/24.0  + 365*y + math.floor(y/4) \
            - math.floor(y/100) + math.floor(y/400) - 32045.5 - 59

        julianCentury = (julianDay - 2451545) / 36525

        geomMeanLongSun = (280.46646 + julianCentury * (36000.76983 + julianCentury*0.0003032)) % 360

        geomMeanAnomSun = 357.52911 + julianCentury*(35999.05029 - 0.0001537*julianCentury)
        eccentOrbit = 0.016708634 - julianCentury*(0.000042037 + 0.0000001267*julianCentury)
        sunEqOfCtr = math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun))*(1.914602 - julianCentury*(0.004817+0.000014*julianCentury)) + \
            math.sin(math.radians(2*geomMeanAnomSun))*(0.019993-0.000101*julianCentury) + \

        sunTrueLong = geomMeanLongSun + sunEqOfCtr
        sunTrueAnom = geomMeanAnomSun + sunEqOfCtr
        sunRadVector = (1.000001018*(1 - eccentOrbit**2))/ \
            (1 + eccentOrbit*math.cos(math.radians(sunTrueLong)))
        sunAppLong = sunTrueLong - 0.00569 - 0.00478*math.sin(math.radians(125.04-1934.136*julianCentury))

        meanObliqEcliptic = 23 + (26 + ((21.448 - julianCentury*(46.815 + \
            julianCentury*(0.00059 - julianCentury*0.001813))))/60)/60
        obliqueCorr = meanObliqEcliptic + 0.00256*math.cos(math.radians(125.04 - 1934.136*julianCentury))
        sunRightAscen = math.degrees(math.atan2(math.cos(math.radians(obliqueCorr))* \
            math.sin(math.radians(sunAppLong)), math.cos(math.radians(sunAppLong))))

        solDec = math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(obliqueCorr))*math.sin(math.radians(sunAppLong)))

        varY = math.tan(math.radians(obliqueCorr/2))*math.tan(math.radians(obliqueCorr/2))

        eqOfTime = 4*math.degrees(varY*math.sin(2*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 2*eccentOrbit*math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun)) \
            + 4*eccentOrbit*varY*math.sin(math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun))*math.cos(2*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 0.5*(varY**2)*math.sin(4*math.radians(geomMeanLongSun)) \
            - 1.25*(eccentOrbit**2)*math.sin(2*math.radians(geomMeanAnomSun)))

        return solDec, eqOfTime

    def __calculateSunriseHourAngle(self, solarDec, depression = 0.833):
        """Calculate hour angle for sunrise time in degrees"""
        hourAngleArg = math.cos(math.radians(90 + depression)) \
            /(math.cos(self.__latitude) * math.cos(solarDec)) \
            - math.tan(self.__latitude) * math.tan(solarDec)

        return math.degrees(math.acos(hourAngleArg))

    def __calculateSolarTime(self, hour, eqOfTime, isSolarTime):
        """Calculate Solar time for an hour"""
        if isSolarTime: return hour
        return ((hour*60 + eqOfTime + 4*math.degrees(self.__longitude) - 60*self.timeZone) % 1440)/60

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var daylightSavingPeriod

var latitude

get latitude in degrees

var longitude

get latitude in degrees

var northAngle

var timeZone


def __init__(

self, latitude=0, northAngle=0, longitude=0, timeZone=0, daylightSavingPeriod=None)

def __init__(self, latitude = 0, northAngle = 0, longitude = 0, timeZone = 0,
            daylightSavingPeriod = None):
    self.__latitude = math.radians(float(latitude))
    self.__longitude = math.radians(float(longitude))
    self.northAngle = northAngle
    self.timeZone = timeZone
    self.daylightSavingPeriod = daylightSavingPeriod

def calculateSun(

self, month, day, hour, isSolarTime=False)

Get Sun data for an hour of the year

Args: month: An integer between 1-12 day: An integer between 1-31 hour: A positive number <= 24 isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

Returns: A sun object for this particular time

def calculateSun(self, month, day, hour, isSolarTime = False):
    """Get Sun data for an hour of the year
            month: An integer between 1-12
            day: An integer between 1-31
            hour: A positive number <= 24
            isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)
            A sun object for this particular time
    datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour)
    return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

def calculateSunFromDataTime(

self, datetime, isSolarTime=False)

Get Sun data for an hour of the year This code is originally written by Trygve Wastvedt ( based on (NOAA) and modified by Chris Mackey and Mostapha Roudsari

Args: datetime: Ladybug datetime isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

Returns: A sun object for this particular time

def calculateSunFromDataTime(self, datetime, isSolarTime = False):
    """Get Sun data for an hour of the year
        This code is originally written by Trygve Wastvedt (
        based on (NOAA) and modified by Chris Mackey and Mostapha Roudsari
            datetime: Ladybug datetime
            isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)
            A sun object for this particular time
    solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)
    month, day, hour = datetime.month,, datetime.floatHour
    isDaylightSaving = self.isDaylightSavingHour(datetime.HOY)
    if isDaylightSaving: hour += 1
    solTime = self.__calculateSolarTime(hour, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
    hourAngle = (solTime*15 + 180) if (solTime*15 < 0) else (solTime*15 - 180)
    zenith = math.acos(math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.sin(solDec) \
        + math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.cos(solDec)*math.cos(math.radians(hourAngle)))
    altitude = (math.pi/2) - zenith
    if hourAngle == 0.0 or hourAngle == -180.0 or hourAngle == 180.0:
        if solDec < self.__latitude: azimuth = math.pi
        else: azimuth = 0.0
        azimuth = ((math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
            - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith))) + math.pi) % (2*math.pi)) \
            if (hourAngle > 0) else \
                ((3*math.pi - math.acos(((math.sin(self.__latitude)*math.cos(zenith)) \
                - math.sin(solDec))/(math.cos(self.__latitude)*math.sin(zenith)))) % (2*math.pi))
    # create the sun for this hour
    return LBSun(datetime, altitude, azimuth, isSolarTime, isDaylightSaving, self.northAngle)

def calculateSunFromHOY(

self, HOY, isSolarTime=False)

Get Sun data for an hour of the year

Args: datetime: Ladybug datetime isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)

Returns: A sun object for this particular time

def calculateSunFromHOY(self, HOY, isSolarTime = False):
    """Get Sun data for an hour of the year
            datetime: Ladybug datetime
            isSolarTime: A boolean to indicate if the input hour is solar time. (Default: False)
            A sun object for this particular time
    datetime = core.LBDateTime.fromHOY(HOY)
    return self.calculateSunFromDataTime(datetime, isSolarTime)

def calculateSunriseSunset(

self, month, day, depression=0.833, isSolarTime=False)

def calculateSunriseSunset(self, month, day, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
    datetime = core.LBDateTime(month, day, hour = 12)
    return self.calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(datetime, depression, isSolarTime)

def calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(

self, datetime, depression=0.833, isSolarTime=False)

Calculate sunrise, sunset and noon for a day of year

def calculateSunriseSunsetFromDateTime(self, datetime, depression = 0.833, isSolarTime = False):
    """Calculate sunrise, sunset and noon for a day of year"""
    solDec, eqOfTime = self.__calculateSolarGeometry(datetime)
    # calculate sunrise and sunset hour
    #if isSolarTime:
    #    noon = .5
    noon = (720 - 4 * math.degrees(self.__longitude) - eqOfTime + self.timeZone * 60) / 1440
    sunRiseHourAngle = self.__calculateSunriseHourAngle(solDec, depression)
    sunrise  = noon - sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440
    sunset   = noon + sunRiseHourAngle * 4 / 1440
    # convert demical hour to solar hour
    # noon    = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*noon, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
    # sunrise = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunrise, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
    # sunset  = self.__calculateSolarTime(24*sunset, eqOfTime, isSolarTime)
    return {
            "sunrise"   : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunrise),
            "noon"      : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * noon),
            "sunset"    : core.LBDateTime(datetime.month,, 24 * sunset)}

def fromLocation(

cls, location, northAngle=0, daylightSavingPeriod=None)

def fromLocation(cls, location, northAngle = 0, daylightSavingPeriod = None):
    return cls(location.latitude, northAngle, location.longitude, \
        location.timeZone, daylightSavingPeriod)

def isDaylightSavingHour(

self, datetime)

def isDaylightSavingHour(self, datetime):
    if not self.daylightSavingPeriod: return False
    return self.daylightSavingPeriod.isTimeIncluded(datetime.HOY)