
ladybugdynamo.ladybug.datatype module

lass DataPoint(object):
   """ A Ladybug data point
           value :, ,  based on type
           isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw
               file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example
               Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False)
           standard: class of SI or IP. (Default is SI)
   def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard = None):
       if not standard: standard = SI
       self.value = value
       self.standard = standard
       self.isEpwData = isEpwData
       self.__typeErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
           "Input should be from %s"
       self.__valueErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
           "Input should be between %s and %s"
       self.__standardErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid standard type. " + \
           "Valid standards are SI and IP"
       #check validity of input
       self.isValid(raiseException = True)
   def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
       """Check validity of input"""
       if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
           raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)
       if self.valueType:
               self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
               if raiseException:
                   raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
               return False #not a valid standard
       #check if the valus is in range
       if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True
       isValid = self.__isInRange
       if not isValid and raiseException:
           raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
           return isValid
   def __isInRange(self):
       """Retuen True is value is in range"""
       return self.minimum <= self.value <= self.maximum
   def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
       """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI
           This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
           with a single number in SI or IP
       if valueStandard is self.standard:
           return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
       elif self.standard is SI:
           #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
           return self.get_valueInSI(value)
       elif self.standard is IP:
           #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
           return self.get_valueInIP(value)
   def convertToIP(self):
       """Change to IP system
           Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
       if self.standard is IP: return True
       # If it's in SI change system and value
       self.standard = IP
       self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
       return True
   def convertToSI(self):
       """Change to SI system
           Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
       if self.standard is SI: return True
       # If it's in IP change system and value
       self.standard = SI
       self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
       return True
   def unit(self):
       raise NotImplementedError
   def valueType(self):
       raise NotImplementedError
   def minimum(self):
       raise NotImplementedError
   def maximum(self):
       raise NotImplementedError
   def __repr__(self):
       return str(self.value)
lass GenericData(DataPoint):
   """Generic Data Point
           value :, ,  based on type
           isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw
               file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example
               Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False)
           standard: SI or IP. (Default is SI)
           def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
               DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)
               #check validity of input
               self.isValid(valueType = self.valueType, raiseException = True)
   def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
       DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)
   def unit(self):
       return ""
   def valueType(self):
       return str
   def minimum(self):
       """Return minimum valid value"""
       return float("-inf")
   def maximum(self):
       return float("inf")
   def get_valueInIP(value):
       """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
       return value
   def get_valueInSI(value):
       """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
       return value
lass Temperature(DataPoint):
   """Base type for temperature"""
   def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
       DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)
   def unit(self):
       if self.standard is SI: return "C"
       elif self.standard is IP: return "F"
   def valueType(self):
       return float
   def minimum(self):
       """Return minimum valid value"""
       if self.isEpwData:
           return self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(-70, SI)
           return float("-inf")
   def maximum(self):
       """Return maximum valid value"""
       if self.isEpwData:
           return self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(70, SI)
           return float("inf")
   def get_valueInIP(value):
       """return the value in F assuming input value is in C"""
       return value * 9 / 5 + 32
   def get_valueInSI(value):
       """return the value in C assuming input value is in F"""
       return (value - 32) * 5 / 9
lass RelativeHumidity(DataPoint):
   """Base type for Relative Humidity"""
   def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
       DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)
   def unit(self):
       return "%"
   def valueType(self):
       return float
   def minimum(self):
       """Return minimum valid value"""
       return 0
   def maximum(self):
       """Return maximum valid value"""
       return 100
   def get_valueInIP(value):
       """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
       return value
   def get_valueInSI(value):
       """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
       return value
lass SI(object):
   def __repr__():
       return "SI"
lass IP(object):
   def __repr__():
       return "IP"


class DataPoint

A Ladybug data point

Attributes: value :, , based on type isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False) standard: class of SI or IP. (Default is SI)

class DataPoint(object):
    """ A Ladybug data point

            value :, ,  based on type
            isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw
                file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example
                Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False)
            standard: class of SI or IP. (Default is SI)

    def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard = None):
        if not standard: standard = SI
        self.value = value
        self.standard = standard
        self.isEpwData = isEpwData

        self.__typeErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
            "Input should be from %s"
        self.__valueErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
            "Input should be between %s and %s"
        self.__standardErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid standard type. " + \
            "Valid standards are SI and IP"

        #check validity of input
        self.isValid(raiseException = True)

    def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
        """Check validity of input"""
        if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
            raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)

        if self.valueType:
                self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
                if raiseException:
                    raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
                return False #not a valid standard

        #check if the valus is in range
        if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True

        isValid = self.__isInRange
        if not isValid and raiseException:
            raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
            return isValid

    def __isInRange(self):
        """Retuen True is value is in range"""
        return self.minimum <= self.value <= self.maximum

    def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
        """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI

            This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
            with a single number in SI or IP
        if valueStandard is self.standard:
            return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
        elif self.standard is SI:
            #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
            return self.get_valueInSI(value)
        elif self.standard is IP:
            #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
            return self.get_valueInIP(value)

    def convertToIP(self):
        """Change to IP system

            Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
        if self.standard is IP: return True
        # If it's in SI change system and value
        self.standard = IP
        self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
        return True

    def convertToSI(self):
        """Change to SI system

            Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
        if self.standard is SI: return True
        # If it's in IP change system and value
        self.standard = SI
        self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
        return True

    def unit(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def valueType(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def minimum(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def maximum(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.value)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var isEpwData

var standard

var value


def __init__(

self, value, isEpwData=False, standard=None)

def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard = None):
    if not standard: standard = SI
    self.value = value
    self.standard = standard
    self.isEpwData = isEpwData
    self.__typeErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
        "Input should be from %s"
    self.__valueErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid input type. " + \
        "Input should be between %s and %s"
    self.__standardErrorMsg = "%s is not a valid standard type. " + \
        "Valid standards are SI and IP"
    #check validity of input
    self.isValid(raiseException = True)

def convertToIP(


Change to IP system

Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP

def convertToIP(self):
    """Change to IP system
        Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
    if self.standard is IP: return True
    # If it's in SI change system and value
    self.standard = IP
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
    return True

def convertToSI(


Change to SI system

Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI

def convertToSI(self):
    """Change to SI system
        Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
    if self.standard is SI: return True
    # If it's in IP change system and value
    self.standard = SI
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
    return True

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(

self, value, valueStandard)

Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI

This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values with a single number in SI or IP

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
    """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI
        This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
        with a single number in SI or IP
    if valueStandard is self.standard:
        return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
    elif self.standard is SI:
        #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
        return self.get_valueInSI(value)
    elif self.standard is IP:
        #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
        return self.get_valueInIP(value)

def isValid(

self, raiseException=False)

Check validity of input

def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
    """Check validity of input"""
    if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
        raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)
    if self.valueType:
            self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
            if raiseException:
                raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
            return False #not a valid standard
    #check if the valus is in range
    if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True
    isValid = self.__isInRange
    if not isValid and raiseException:
        raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
        return isValid

def maximum(


def maximum(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

def minimum(


def minimum(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

def unit(


def unit(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

def valueType(


def valueType(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

class GenericData

Generic Data Point

Attributes: value :, , based on type isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False) standard: SI or IP. (Default is SI) def init(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None): DataPoint.init(self, value, isEpwData, standard) #check validity of input self.isValid(valueType = self.valueType, raiseException = True)

class GenericData(DataPoint):
    """Generic Data Point

            value :, ,  based on type
            isEpwData: A boolean that indicates if the data is from an epw
                file. Valid range for epw file can be differnt. For example
                Temperature range in an ewp file is -70 C - 70 C (Default: False)
            standard: SI or IP. (Default is SI)
            def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
                DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)
                #check validity of input
                self.isValid(valueType = self.valueType, raiseException = True)
    def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
        DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

    def unit(self):
        return ""

    def valueType(self):
        return str

    def minimum(self):
        """Return minimum valid value"""
        return float("-inf")

    def maximum(self):
        return float("inf")

    def get_valueInIP(value):
        """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
        return value

    def get_valueInSI(value):
        """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
        return value

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def get_valueInIP(


return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI

def get_valueInIP(value):
    """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
    return value

def get_valueInSI(


return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP

def get_valueInSI(value):
    """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
    return value

Instance variables

var isEpwData

Inheritance: DataPoint.isEpwData

var maximum

var minimum

Return minimum valid value

var standard

Inheritance: DataPoint.standard

var unit

var value

Inheritance: DataPoint.value

var valueType


def __init__(

self, value, isEpwData=False, standard=None)

Inheritance: DataPoint.__init__

def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
    DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

def convertToIP(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToIP

Change to IP system

Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP

def convertToIP(self):
    """Change to IP system
        Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
    if self.standard is IP: return True
    # If it's in SI change system and value
    self.standard = IP
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
    return True

def convertToSI(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToSI

Change to SI system

Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI

def convertToSI(self):
    """Change to SI system
        Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
    if self.standard is SI: return True
    # If it's in IP change system and value
    self.standard = SI
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
    return True

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(

self, value, valueStandard)

Inheritance: DataPoint.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard

Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI

This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values with a single number in SI or IP

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
    """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI
        This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
        with a single number in SI or IP
    if valueStandard is self.standard:
        return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
    elif self.standard is SI:
        #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
        return self.get_valueInSI(value)
    elif self.standard is IP:
        #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
        return self.get_valueInIP(value)

def isValid(

self, raiseException=False)

Inheritance: DataPoint.isValid

Check validity of input

def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
    """Check validity of input"""
    if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
        raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)
    if self.valueType:
            self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
            if raiseException:
                raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
            return False #not a valid standard
    #check if the valus is in range
    if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True
    isValid = self.__isInRange
    if not isValid and raiseException:
        raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
        return isValid

class IP

class IP(object):
    def __repr__():
        return "IP"

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • IP
  • __builtin__.object

class RelativeHumidity

Base type for Relative Humidity

class RelativeHumidity(DataPoint):
    """Base type for Relative Humidity"""

    def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
        DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

    def unit(self):
        return "%"

    def valueType(self):
        return float

    def minimum(self):
        """Return minimum valid value"""
        return 0

    def maximum(self):
        """Return maximum valid value"""
        return 100

    def get_valueInIP(value):
        """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
        return value

    def get_valueInSI(value):
        """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
        return value

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def get_valueInIP(


return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI

def get_valueInIP(value):
    """return the value in IP assuming input value is in SI"""
    return value

def get_valueInSI(


return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP

def get_valueInSI(value):
    """return the value in SI assuming input value is in IP"""
    return value

Instance variables

var isEpwData

Inheritance: DataPoint.isEpwData

var maximum

Return maximum valid value

var minimum

Return minimum valid value

var standard

Inheritance: DataPoint.standard

var unit

var value

Inheritance: DataPoint.value

var valueType


def __init__(

self, value, isEpwData=False, standard=None)

Inheritance: DataPoint.__init__

def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
    DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

def convertToIP(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToIP

Change to IP system

Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP

def convertToIP(self):
    """Change to IP system
        Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
    if self.standard is IP: return True
    # If it's in SI change system and value
    self.standard = IP
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
    return True

def convertToSI(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToSI

Change to SI system

Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI

def convertToSI(self):
    """Change to SI system
        Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
    if self.standard is SI: return True
    # If it's in IP change system and value
    self.standard = SI
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
    return True

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(

self, value, valueStandard)

Inheritance: DataPoint.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard

Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI

This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values with a single number in SI or IP

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
    """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI
        This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
        with a single number in SI or IP
    if valueStandard is self.standard:
        return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
    elif self.standard is SI:
        #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
        return self.get_valueInSI(value)
    elif self.standard is IP:
        #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
        return self.get_valueInIP(value)

def isValid(

self, raiseException=False)

Inheritance: DataPoint.isValid

Check validity of input

def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
    """Check validity of input"""
    if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
        raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)
    if self.valueType:
            self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
            if raiseException:
                raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
            return False #not a valid standard
    #check if the valus is in range
    if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True
    isValid = self.__isInRange
    if not isValid and raiseException:
        raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
        return isValid

class SI

class SI(object):
    def __repr__():
        return "SI"

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • SI
  • __builtin__.object

class Temperature

Base type for temperature

class Temperature(DataPoint):
    """Base type for temperature"""

    def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
        DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

    def unit(self):
        if self.standard is SI: return "C"
        elif self.standard is IP: return "F"

    def valueType(self):
        return float

    def minimum(self):
        """Return minimum valid value"""
        if self.isEpwData:
            return self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(-70, SI)
            return float("-inf")

    def maximum(self):
        """Return maximum valid value"""
        if self.isEpwData:
            return self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(70, SI)
            return float("inf")

    def get_valueInIP(value):
        """return the value in F assuming input value is in C"""
        return value * 9 / 5 + 32

    def get_valueInSI(value):
        """return the value in C assuming input value is in F"""
        return (value - 32) * 5 / 9

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def get_valueInIP(


return the value in F assuming input value is in C

def get_valueInIP(value):
    """return the value in F assuming input value is in C"""
    return value * 9 / 5 + 32

def get_valueInSI(


return the value in C assuming input value is in F

def get_valueInSI(value):
    """return the value in C assuming input value is in F"""
    return (value - 32) * 5 / 9

Instance variables

var isEpwData

Inheritance: DataPoint.isEpwData

var maximum

Return maximum valid value

var minimum

Return minimum valid value

var standard

Inheritance: DataPoint.standard

var unit

var value

Inheritance: DataPoint.value

var valueType


def __init__(

self, value, isEpwData=False, standard=None)

Inheritance: DataPoint.__init__

def __init__(self, value, isEpwData = False, standard= None):
    DataPoint.__init__(self, value, isEpwData, standard)

def convertToIP(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToIP

Change to IP system

Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP

def convertToIP(self):
    """Change to IP system
        Warning: convertToIP only and only changes this value to IP
    if self.standard is IP: return True
    # If it's in SI change system and value
    self.standard = IP
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, SI)
    return True

def convertToSI(


Inheritance: DataPoint.convertToSI

Change to SI system

Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI

def convertToSI(self):
    """Change to SI system
        Warning: convertToSI only and only changes this value to SI
    if self.standard is SI: return True
    # If it's in IP change system and value
    self.standard = SI
    self.value = self.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self.value, IP)
    return True

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(

self, value, valueStandard)

Inheritance: DataPoint.get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard

Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI

This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values with a single number in SI or IP

def get_valueBasedOnCurrentStandard(self, value, valueStandard):
    """Return the value based on the current standard IP/SI
        This method makes it possible to set minimum and maximum values
        with a single number in SI or IP
    if valueStandard is self.standard:
        return value # the standard is the same so return the same value
    elif self.standard is SI:
        #The value is in IP and should be converted to SI
        return self.get_valueInSI(value)
    elif self.standard is IP:
        #The value is in SI and should be converted to IP
        return self.get_valueInIP(value)

def isValid(

self, raiseException=False)

Inheritance: DataPoint.isValid

Check validity of input

def isValid(self, raiseException = False):
    """Check validity of input"""
    if not(self.standard is IP or self.standard is SI):
        raise Exception(self.__standardErrorMsg%self.standard)
    if self.valueType:
            self.value = map(self.valueType, [self.value])[0]
            if raiseException:
                raise TypeError(self.__typeErrorMsg%(self.value, self.valueType))
            return False #not a valid standard
    #check if the valus is in range
    if self.valueType is str: return True # if not a number return True
    isValid = self.__isInRange
    if not isValid and raiseException:
        raise ValueError(self.__valueErrorMsg%(self.value, self.minimum, self.maximum))
        return isValid