
ladybugdynamo.ladybug.core module

import re
import copy
import euclid

class DateTimeLib:
    """Ladybug DateTime Libray
    This class includes useful data and methods for date and time
    monthList = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC']
    numOfDaysEachMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    numOfDaysUntilMonth = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]
    numOfHoursUntilMonth = [24 * numOfDay for numOfDay in numOfDaysUntilMonth]

    def checkDateTime(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
        """Checks if time combination is a valid time."""
        # check month
        if not 1 <= month <= 12:
            raise ValueError("month should be between 1-12")

        if day < 1 or day > cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of days for %s should be \
                    between 1-%d"%(cls.monthList[month-1], cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]))

        if not 0 <= hour <= 24:
            raise ValueError("hour should be between 0.0-24.0")

        if not minute or minute == 0:
            if hour == 0 and day == 1 and month == 1:
                # last hour of the year
                month = 12
                day = 31
                hour = 24

            elif hour == 0 and day == 1:
                # The last hour of the last day of the month before
                month -= 1
                day = cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]
                hour = 24

            elif hour==0:
                # the last hour of the day before
                hour = 24
                day -= 1

        hour, minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hour, minute)

        return month, day, hour, minute

    def getHourOfYear(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
        """Return hour of the year between 1 and 8760."""
        # make sure input values are correct
        month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)

        # fix the end day
        JD = cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)
        return (JD - 1) * 24 + hour

    def getDayOfYear(cls, month, day):
        """Retuen day of the year between 1 and 365"""
        # make sure input values are correct
        month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour = 1)

        # fix the end day
        return cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)

    def getMonthDayHourAndMinute(cls, hourOfYear):
        """Return month, day and hour for an hour of the year"""
        if hourOfYear == 8760: return 12, 31, 24, 0

        # find month
        for monthCount in range(12):
            if hourOfYear <= cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[monthCount + 1]:
                month = monthCount + 1

        # find day and hour
        if hourOfYear%24 == 0:
            # last hour of the day
            day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24)
            hour = 24
            minute = 0
            day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24) + 1
            hour = int(hourOfYear%24)
            minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hourOfYear)[1]

        return month, day, hour, minute

    def __getHourAndMinute(hour, minute = None):

        """Calculate and return hour and minute

            This method is mainly usefule for calculating minutes from float hours
            if minute is missing. otherwise it will only check the inputs append
            returns the checked values

                hour: A float value between 0.0-24.0
                minutes: An integer between 0-59. Default in None

                hour: An interger between 0-24
                minute: An integer between 0-59
        if not minute:
            minute = (hour - int(hour)) * 60

        # cast values to integer
        hour = int(hour + int(minute/60))
        minute = minute%60

        return hour, minute

# TODO: add comparison methods (largerthan, smallerthan, ...)
class LBDateTime:
    """Ladybug Date time"""
    def __init__(self, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 1, minute = None):
        self.month,, self.hour, \
            self.minute = DateTimeLib.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)

        self.floatHour = self.hour + self.minute/60.0
        self.DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(self.month,
        self.HOY = DateTimeLib.getHourOfYear(self.month,, self.hour, self.minute)
        self.MOY = self.HOY * 60  + self.minute # minute of the year
        self.floatHOY = self.HOY + self.minute/60.0

    def fromHOY(cls, HOY):
        """Create Ladybug Datetime from an hour of the year

                HOY: A float value between 0.0 to 8760.0
        month, day, hour, minute = DateTimeLib.getMonthDayHourAndMinute(HOY)
        return cls(month, day, hour, minute)

    def fromMOY(cls, MOY):
        """create Ladybug DateTime from Minute of the year"""
        HOY = MOY/60.0
        return cls.fromHOY(HOY)

    def fromDateTimeString(cls, datetimeString):
        day, month, hour, minute = datetimeString \
                .replace(" at ", " ") \
                .replace(":", " ") \
                .split(" ")

        month = DateTimeLib.monthList.index(month.upper()) + 1

        return cls(month, int(day), int(hour), int(minute))

    def humanReadableHour(self):
        """Return hours and minutes in a human readable way"""
        minute = str(self.minute)
        if len(minute) == 1: minute = "0" + minute
        return "%d:%s"%(self.hour, minute)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%d %s at %s"%(, DateTimeLib.monthList[self.month-1], self.humanReadableHour)

# TODO: Add NA analysis period
class AnalysisPeriod:
    """Ladybug Analysis Period.

        A continuous analysis period between two days of the year between certain hours

            stMonth: An integer between 1-12 for starting month (default = 1)
            stDay: An integer between 1-31 for starting day (default = 1).
                    Note that some months are shorter than 31 days.
            stHour: An integer between 1-24 for starting hour (default = 1)
            endMonth: An integer between 1-12 for ending month (default = 12)
            endDay: An integer between 1-31 for ending day (default = 31)
                    Note that some months are shorter than 31 days.
            endHour: An integer between 1-24 for ending hour (default = 24)
            timestep: An integer number from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60

    __validTimesteps = {1 : 60, 2 : 30, 3 : 20, 4 : 15, 5 : 12, \
        6 : 10, 10 : 6, 12 : 5, 15 : 4, 20 : 3, 30 : 2, 60 : 1}

    #TODO: handle timestep between 1-60
    def __init__(self, stMonth = 1, stDay = 1, stHour = 1, endMonth = 12,
                endDay = 31, endHour = 24, timestep = 1):

        """Init an analysis period"""

        # calculate start time and end time
        self.stTime = LBDateTime(int(stMonth), int(stDay), float(stHour))
        self.endTime = LBDateTime(int(endMonth), int(endDay), float(endHour))

        if self.stTime.hour <= self.endTime.hour:
            self.overnight = False # each segments of hours will be in a single day
            self.overnight = True

        # A reversed analysis period defines a period that starting month is after ending month
        # (e.g DEC to JUN)
        if self.stTime.HOY > self.endTime.HOY:
            self.reversed = True
            self.reversed = False

        # check time step
        if timestep not in self.__validTimesteps:
            raise ValueError("Invalid timestep. Valid values are %s"%str(self.__validTimesteps))

        # calculate time stamp
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.minuteIntervals = self.__validTimesteps[timestep]

        # calculate timestamps and hoursOfYear
        self.__timestampsData = {} # A dictionary for timedates. Key values will be minute of year

    def fromAnalysisPeriod(cls, analysisPeriod):
        """Create and Analysis Period from an analysis period

            This method is useful to be called from inside Grasshopper or Dynamo
        if not analysisPeriod:
            print "Analysis period is set to annual"
            return AnalysisPeriod()
        elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, AnalysisPeriod):
            return analysisPeriod
        elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, str):
            return cls.__fromAnalysisPeriodString(analysisPeriod)

    def __fromAnalysisPeriodString(cls, analysisPeriodString):

        # %s/%s to %s/%s between %s to %s @%s
        ap = analysisPeriodString.lower() \
                        .replace(' ', '') \
                        .replace('to', ' ') \
                        .replace('/', ' ') \
                        .replace('between', ' ') \
                        .replace('@', ' ')
            stMonth, stDay, \
            endMonth, endDay, \
            stHour, endHour, timestep =  ap.split(' ')
            return cls(stMonth, stDay, stHour, endMonth, endDay, endHour, int(timestep))
           raise ValueError(analysisPeriodString + " is not a valid analysis period!")

    def __calculateTimestamps(self):
        """Return a list of Ladybug DateTime in this analysis period."""

        # calculate based on minutes
        curr = self.stTime.MOY - 60 + self.minuteIntervals

        if not self.reversed:
            while curr <= self.endTime.MOY:
                time = LBDateTime.fromMOY(curr)
                if not self.isTimeIncluded(time):
                    self.__timestampsData[time.MOY] = time
                curr += self.minuteIntervals
            while (0 <= curr <= self.endTime.MOY or self.stTime.MOY <= curr < 8760 * 60):
                time = LBDateTime.fromMOY(curr)
                if not self.isTimeIncluded(time):
                    self.__timestampsData[time.MOY] = time

                curr = (curr + self.minuteIntervals)%(8760 * 60)

    def dates(self):
        """A sorted list of dates in this analysis period"""
        # sort dictionary based on key values (minute of the year)
        sortedTimestamps = sorted(self.__timestampsData.items(), key= lambda x: x[0])
        return [timestamp[1] for timestamp in sortedTimestamps]

    def  HOYs(self):
        """A sorted list of hours of year in this analysis period"""
        return [timestamp.HOY for timestamp in self.dates]

    def  floatHOYs(self):
        """A sorted list of hours of year as float values in this analysis period"""
        return [timestamp.floatHOY for timestamp in self.dates]

    def totalNumOfHours(self):
        """Total number of hours during this analysis period"""
        return len(self.__timestampsData)/self.timestep

    def isAnnual(self):
        """Check if an analysis period is annual"""
        return True if self.totalNumOfHours == 8760 else False

    def isTimeIncluded(self, time):
        """Check if time is included in analysis period.

            Return True if time is inside this analysis period,
            otherwise return False

                time: A LBDateTime to be tested

                A boolean. True if time is included in analysis period
        # time filtering in Ladybug and honeybee is slightly different since start hour and end hour will be
        # applied for every day. For instance 2/20 9am to 2/22 5pm means hour between 9-17 during 20, 21 and 22 of Feb
        return time.MOY in self.__timestampsData

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s/%s to %s/%s between %s to %s @%d"%\
            (self.stTime.month,, \
             self.endTime.month,, \
             self.stTime.hour, self.endTime.hour, \

class LBHeader:
    """Standard Ladybug header for lists.

        The header carries data for city,
        data type, unit, and analysis period

            city: A string for the city name
            dataType: A valid Ladybug data type. Try DataType.dataTypes to see list of data types
            unit: dataType unit. If empty string it will be set based on dataType
            timestep: Data timestep "Hourly", "Daily", "Monthly", "Annual", "N/A"
            analysisPeriod: A Ladybug analysis period. (defualt: 1 Jan 1 to 31 Dec 24)

    def __init__(self, city = 'unknown', dataType = 'unknown', unit = 'unknown', frequency = 'unknown', analysisPeriod = None):
        """Initiate Ladybug header for lists.""" = city
        self.dataType = dataType
        self.unit = unit
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.analysisPeriod = 'unknown' if not analysisPeriod \
                else AnalysisPeriod.fromAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)

    def duplicate(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def __key(self):
        return 'location|dataType|units|frequency|dataPeriod'

    def toList(self):
        """Return Ladybug header as a list"""
        return [

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s for %s during %s"%(self.dataType,, self.analysisPeriod)

# TODO: write classes for latitude, longitude, etc
class Location:

    def __init__(self, city = '', country = '', latitude = '0.00', \
                longitude = '0.00', timeZone = '0.00', elevation ='0.00', \
                source = '', stationId = ''): = str(city) = str(country)
        self.latitude = float(latitude)
        self.longitude = float(longitude)
        self.timeZone = float(timeZone)
        self.elevation = float(elevation)
        self.source = str(source)
        self.stationId = str(stationId)

    def createFromEPString(self, EPString):
        """Create a Ladybug location from an EnergyPlus location string
                EPString: Standard EP location string

                l = Location() #initiate location
                print "LAT:%s, LON:%s"%(l.latitude, l.longitude)

  , self.latitude, \
            self.longitude, self.timeZone, \
            self.elevation = re.findall(r'\r*\n*([a-zA-Z0-9.:_-]*)[,|;]', \
                                    EPString, re.DOTALL)[1:]

            self.latitude = float(self.latitude)
            self.longitude = float(self.longitude)
            self.timeZone = float(self.timeZone)
            self.elevation = float(self.elevation)
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception ("Failed to import EP string! %s"%str(e))

    def duplicate(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def EPStyleLocationString(self):
        """Return EnergyPlus's location string"""
        return "Site:Location,\n" + \
   + ',\n' + \
            str(self.latitude) +',      !Latitude\n' + \
            str(self.longitude) +',     !Longitude\n' + \
            str(self.timeZone) +',     !Time Zone\n' + \
            str(self.elevation) + ';       !Elevation'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s"%(self.EPStyleLocationString)

class LBData:
    """Ladybug data point"""

    # TODO: Change value to be an object from it's data type
    #       Check for available datatypes

    def __init__(self, value, dateTime):
        self.datetime = dateTime
        self.value = value

    def fromLBData(cls, data):
        assert isinstance(data, LBData), "Input is not a LBData."
        return data

    def updateValue(self, newValue):
        self.value = newValue

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self.value)

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.value)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return  self.value == float(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return  self.value != float(other)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.value < other

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.value > other

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.value <= other

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.value >= other

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.value + other

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self.value - other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.value * other

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        return self.value // other

    def __div__(self, other):
        return self.value / other

    def __mod__(self, other):
        return self.value%other

    def __pow__(self, other):
        return self.value**other

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self.__add__(other)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return other - self.value

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return self.__mul__(other)

    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        return other//self.value

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return other/self.value

    def __rmod__(self, other):
        return other%self.value

    def __rpow__(self, other):
        return other**self.value

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class LBPatchData(LBData):
    """Ladybug sky patch data type"""
    def __init__(self, value, vector):
        # sky data doesn't have time
        datetime = LBDateTime()
        LBData.__init__(self, value, datetime)
        self.vector = euclid.Vector3(*vector)

class DataList:
    """Ladybug data list

        A list of ladybug data with a LBHeader
    def __init__(self, data = None, header = None):
        self.__data = self.checkInputData(data)
        self.header = LBHeader() if not header else header

    def values(self, header = False):
        """Return the list of values

                header: A boolean that indicates if values should include the headers

                A list of values
        if not header:
            return self.__data
            return self.header.toList() + self.__data

    def timeStamps(self):
        "List of time stamps for current data"
        return [value.datetime for value in self.__data]

    def checkInputData(self, data):
        """Check input data"""
        if not data: return []
        return [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in data]

    def append(self, data):
        """Append LBData to current list"""

    def extend(self, dataList):
        """Extend a list of LBData to the end of current list"""

    def duplicate(self):
        """Duplicate current data list"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def average(data):
        values = [value.value for value in data]
        return sum(values)/len(data)

    def groupDataByMonth(self, monthRange = range(1,13), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped for each month

            key values are between 1-12

               monthRange: A list of numbers for months. Default is 1-12
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupValuesByMonth()
               print monthlyValues[2] # returns values for the month of March
        hourlyDataByMonth = {}
        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:
            if not d.datetime.month in monthRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByMonth.has_key(d.datetime.month): hourlyDataByMonth[d.datetime.month] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for months " + str(hourlyDataByMonth.keys())
        return hourlyDataByMonth

    def groupDataByDay(self, dayRange = range(1, 366), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each day of year

            key values are between 1-365

               dayRange: A list of numbers for days. Default is 1-365
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed
               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               dailyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByDay(range(1, 30))
               print dailyValues[2] # returns values for the second day of year
        hourlyDataByDay = {}

        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:
            DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(d.datetime.month,

            if not DOY in dayRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByDay.has_key(DOY): hourlyDataByDay[DOY] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for " + str(len(hourlyDataByDay.keys())) + " days."
        return hourlyDataByDay

    def groupDataByHour(self, hourRange = range(1, 25), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each hour of day

            key values are between 1-24

               hourRange: A list of numbers for hours. Default is 1-24
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByMonth([1])
               groupedHourlyData = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues[2])
               for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
                   print "average temperature values for hour " + str(hour) + " during JAN is " + str(core.DataList.average(data)) + " " + DBT.header.unit
        hourlyDataByHour = {}

        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:

            if not d.datetime.hour in hourRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByHour.has_key(d.datetime.hour): hourlyDataByHour[d.datetime.hour] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for hours " + str(hourlyDataByHour.keys())
        return hourlyDataByHour

    # TODO: Add validity check for input values
    def updateDataForAnAnalysisPeriod(self, values, analysisPeriod = None):
        """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
            for a specific analysis period.

            Length of values should be equal to number of hours in analysis period

                values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
                analysisPeriod: An analysis period for input the input values.
                    Default is set to the whole year.
        if not analysisPeriod:
            analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod()

        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(values) != analysisPeriod.totalNumOfHours:
            raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
                "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \
        # get all time stamps
        timeStamps = analysisPeriod.dates

        # map timeStamps and values
        newValues = {}
        for count, value in enumerate(values):
            HOY = timeStamps[count].HOY
            newValues[HOY] = value

        # update values
        updatedCount = 0
        for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
                value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
            except KeyError:

        # return self for chaining methods
        print "%s data are updated for %d hours."%(self.header.dataType, updatedCount)
        # return self for chaining methods
        return self

    def updateDataForHoursOfYear(self, values, hoursOfYear):
        """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
            for a list of hours of year

            Length of values should be equal to number of hours in hours of year

                values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
                hoursOfYear: A list of HOY between 1 and 8760
        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(values) != len(hoursOfYear):
            raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
                "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \

        # map hours and values
        newValues = {}
        for count, value in enumerate(values):
            HOY = hoursOfYear[count]
            newValues[HOY] = value

        # update values
        updatedCount = 0
        for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
                value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
            except KeyError:

        print "%s data %s updated for %d hour%s."%(self.header.dataType, \
                'are' if len(values)>1 else 'is', updatedCount,\
                's' if len(values)>1 else '')

        # return self for chaining methods
        return self

    def updateDataForAnHour(self, value, hourOfYear):
        """Replace current value in data list with a new value
            for a specific hour of the year

                value: A single value
                hoursOfYear: The hour of the year
        return self.updateDataForHoursOfYear([value], [hourOfYear])

    def filterByAnalysisPeriod(self, analysisPeriod):

        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               analysis period: A Ladybug analysis period

                A new DataList with filtered data

               analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod(2,1,1,3,31,24) #start of Feb to end of Mar
               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)
        if not analysisPeriod or analysisPeriod.isAnnual:
            print "You need a valid analysis period to filter data."
            return self

        # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
        # each data point one by one
        filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if analysisPeriod.isTimeIncluded(d.datetime)]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = analysisPeriod
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByHOYs(self, HOYs):

        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               HOYs: A List of hours of the year [1-8760]

                A new DataList with filtered data

               HOYs = range(1,48) # The first two days of the year
               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByHOYs(HOYs)

        # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
        # each data point one by one
        filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if d.datetime.HOY in HOYs]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = "unknown"
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByConditionalStatement(self, statement):
        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               statement: A conditional statement as a string (e.g. x>25 and x%5==0).
                The variable should always be named as x

                A new DataList with filtered data

               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               # filter data for when dry bulb temperature is more then 25
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByConditionalStatement('x > 25')
               # get the list of time stamps that meet the conditional statement
               print filteredDBT.timeStamps

        def checkInputStatement(statement):
            stStatement = statement.lower().replace("and", "").replace("or", "")\
                    .replace("not", "").replace("in", "").replace("is", "")

            l = [s for s in stStatement if s.isalpha()]
            if list(set(l)) != ['x']:
                statementErrorMsg = 'Invalid input statement. Statement should be a valid Python statement' + \
                    ' and the variable should be named as x'
                raise ValueError(statementErrorMsg)


        statement = statement.replace('x', 'd.value')
        filteredData = [d for d in self.__data if eval(statement)]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByPattern(self, patternList):
        """Filter the list based on a list of Boolean

            Length of Boolean should be equal to length of values in DataList

                patternList: A list of True, False values

                A new DataList with filtered data
        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(self.values) != len(patternList):
            print len(self.values), len(patternList)
            errMsg = "Length of values %d is not equal to number of patterns %d" \
                    %(len(self.values), len(patternList))
            raise ValueError(errMsg)

        filteredData = [d for count, d in enumerate(self.__data) if patternList[count]]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def averageMonthly(self, userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values for average values for available months"""

        # group data for each month
        monthlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)

        averageValues = dict()

        # average values for each month
        for month, values in monthlyValues.items():
            averageValues[month] = self.average(values)

        return averageValues

    def averageMonthlyForEachHour(self, userDataList = None):
        """Calculate average value for each hour during each month

            This method returns a dictionary with nested dictionaries for each hour
        # get monthy values
        monthlyHourlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)

        # group data for each hour in each month and collect them in a dictionary
        averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour = {}
        for month, monthlyValues in monthlyHourlyValues.items():
            if month not in averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour: averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month] = {}

            # group data for each hour
            groupedHourlyData = self.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues)
            for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
                averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month][hour] = self.average(data)

        return averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__data)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__data[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__data[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__data)

    # TODO: Reverse analysis period in header
    def __reversed__(self):
        return FunctionalList(reversed(self.__data))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Ladybug.DataList#%s"%self.header.dataType


class AnalysisPeriod

Ladybug Analysis Period.

A continuous analysis period between two days of the year between certain hours

Attributes: stMonth: An integer between 1-12 for starting month (default = 1) stDay: An integer between 1-31 for starting day (default = 1). Note that some months are shorter than 31 days. stHour: An integer between 1-24 for starting hour (default = 1) endMonth: An integer between 1-12 for ending month (default = 12) endDay: An integer between 1-31 for ending day (default = 31) Note that some months are shorter than 31 days. endHour: An integer between 1-24 for ending hour (default = 24) timestep: An integer number from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60

class AnalysisPeriod:
    """Ladybug Analysis Period.

        A continuous analysis period between two days of the year between certain hours

            stMonth: An integer between 1-12 for starting month (default = 1)
            stDay: An integer between 1-31 for starting day (default = 1).
                    Note that some months are shorter than 31 days.
            stHour: An integer between 1-24 for starting hour (default = 1)
            endMonth: An integer between 1-12 for ending month (default = 12)
            endDay: An integer between 1-31 for ending day (default = 31)
                    Note that some months are shorter than 31 days.
            endHour: An integer between 1-24 for ending hour (default = 24)
            timestep: An integer number from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60

    __validTimesteps = {1 : 60, 2 : 30, 3 : 20, 4 : 15, 5 : 12, \
        6 : 10, 10 : 6, 12 : 5, 15 : 4, 20 : 3, 30 : 2, 60 : 1}

    #TODO: handle timestep between 1-60
    def __init__(self, stMonth = 1, stDay = 1, stHour = 1, endMonth = 12,
                endDay = 31, endHour = 24, timestep = 1):

        """Init an analysis period"""

        # calculate start time and end time
        self.stTime = LBDateTime(int(stMonth), int(stDay), float(stHour))
        self.endTime = LBDateTime(int(endMonth), int(endDay), float(endHour))

        if self.stTime.hour <= self.endTime.hour:
            self.overnight = False # each segments of hours will be in a single day
            self.overnight = True

        # A reversed analysis period defines a period that starting month is after ending month
        # (e.g DEC to JUN)
        if self.stTime.HOY > self.endTime.HOY:
            self.reversed = True
            self.reversed = False

        # check time step
        if timestep not in self.__validTimesteps:
            raise ValueError("Invalid timestep. Valid values are %s"%str(self.__validTimesteps))

        # calculate time stamp
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.minuteIntervals = self.__validTimesteps[timestep]

        # calculate timestamps and hoursOfYear
        self.__timestampsData = {} # A dictionary for timedates. Key values will be minute of year

    def fromAnalysisPeriod(cls, analysisPeriod):
        """Create and Analysis Period from an analysis period

            This method is useful to be called from inside Grasshopper or Dynamo
        if not analysisPeriod:
            print "Analysis period is set to annual"
            return AnalysisPeriod()
        elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, AnalysisPeriod):
            return analysisPeriod
        elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, str):
            return cls.__fromAnalysisPeriodString(analysisPeriod)

    def __fromAnalysisPeriodString(cls, analysisPeriodString):

        # %s/%s to %s/%s between %s to %s @%s
        ap = analysisPeriodString.lower() \
                        .replace(' ', '') \
                        .replace('to', ' ') \
                        .replace('/', ' ') \
                        .replace('between', ' ') \
                        .replace('@', ' ')
            stMonth, stDay, \
            endMonth, endDay, \
            stHour, endHour, timestep =  ap.split(' ')
            return cls(stMonth, stDay, stHour, endMonth, endDay, endHour, int(timestep))
           raise ValueError(analysisPeriodString + " is not a valid analysis period!")

    def __calculateTimestamps(self):
        """Return a list of Ladybug DateTime in this analysis period."""

        # calculate based on minutes
        curr = self.stTime.MOY - 60 + self.minuteIntervals

        if not self.reversed:
            while curr <= self.endTime.MOY:
                time = LBDateTime.fromMOY(curr)
                if not self.isTimeIncluded(time):
                    self.__timestampsData[time.MOY] = time
                curr += self.minuteIntervals
            while (0 <= curr <= self.endTime.MOY or self.stTime.MOY <= curr < 8760 * 60):
                time = LBDateTime.fromMOY(curr)
                if not self.isTimeIncluded(time):
                    self.__timestampsData[time.MOY] = time

                curr = (curr + self.minuteIntervals)%(8760 * 60)

    def dates(self):
        """A sorted list of dates in this analysis period"""
        # sort dictionary based on key values (minute of the year)
        sortedTimestamps = sorted(self.__timestampsData.items(), key= lambda x: x[0])
        return [timestamp[1] for timestamp in sortedTimestamps]

    def  HOYs(self):
        """A sorted list of hours of year in this analysis period"""
        return [timestamp.HOY for timestamp in self.dates]

    def  floatHOYs(self):
        """A sorted list of hours of year as float values in this analysis period"""
        return [timestamp.floatHOY for timestamp in self.dates]

    def totalNumOfHours(self):
        """Total number of hours during this analysis period"""
        return len(self.__timestampsData)/self.timestep

    def isAnnual(self):
        """Check if an analysis period is annual"""
        return True if self.totalNumOfHours == 8760 else False

    def isTimeIncluded(self, time):
        """Check if time is included in analysis period.

            Return True if time is inside this analysis period,
            otherwise return False

                time: A LBDateTime to be tested

                A boolean. True if time is included in analysis period
        # time filtering in Ladybug and honeybee is slightly different since start hour and end hour will be
        # applied for every day. For instance 2/20 9am to 2/22 5pm means hour between 9-17 during 20, 21 and 22 of Feb
        return time.MOY in self.__timestampsData

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s/%s to %s/%s between %s to %s @%d"%\
            (self.stTime.month,, \
             self.endTime.month,, \
             self.stTime.hour, self.endTime.hour, \

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var HOYs

A sorted list of hours of year in this analysis period

var dates

A sorted list of dates in this analysis period

var endTime

var floatHOYs

A sorted list of hours of year as float values in this analysis period

var isAnnual

Check if an analysis period is annual

var minuteIntervals

var stTime

var timestep

var totalNumOfHours

Total number of hours during this analysis period


def __init__(

self, stMonth=1, stDay=1, stHour=1, endMonth=12, endDay=31, endHour=24, timestep=1)

Init an analysis period

def __init__(self, stMonth = 1, stDay = 1, stHour = 1, endMonth = 12,
            endDay = 31, endHour = 24, timestep = 1):
    """Init an analysis period"""
    # calculate start time and end time
    self.stTime = LBDateTime(int(stMonth), int(stDay), float(stHour))
    self.endTime = LBDateTime(int(endMonth), int(endDay), float(endHour))
    if self.stTime.hour <= self.endTime.hour:
        self.overnight = False # each segments of hours will be in a single day
        self.overnight = True
    # A reversed analysis period defines a period that starting month is after ending month
    # (e.g DEC to JUN)
    if self.stTime.HOY > self.endTime.HOY:
        self.reversed = True
        self.reversed = False
    # check time step
    if timestep not in self.__validTimesteps:
        raise ValueError("Invalid timestep. Valid values are %s"%str(self.__validTimesteps))
    # calculate time stamp
    self.timestep = timestep
    self.minuteIntervals = self.__validTimesteps[timestep]
    # calculate timestamps and hoursOfYear
    self.__timestampsData = {} # A dictionary for timedates. Key values will be minute of year

def fromAnalysisPeriod(

cls, analysisPeriod)

Create and Analysis Period from an analysis period

This method is useful to be called from inside Grasshopper or Dynamo

def fromAnalysisPeriod(cls, analysisPeriod):
    """Create and Analysis Period from an analysis period
        This method is useful to be called from inside Grasshopper or Dynamo
    if not analysisPeriod:
        print "Analysis period is set to annual"
        return AnalysisPeriod()
    elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, AnalysisPeriod):
        return analysisPeriod
    elif isinstance(analysisPeriod, str):
        return cls.__fromAnalysisPeriodString(analysisPeriod)

def isTimeIncluded(

self, time)

Check if time is included in analysis period.

Return True if time is inside this analysis period, otherwise return False

Args: time: A LBDateTime to be tested

Returns: A boolean. True if time is included in analysis period

def isTimeIncluded(self, time):
    """Check if time is included in analysis period.
        Return True if time is inside this analysis period,
        otherwise return False
            time: A LBDateTime to be tested
            A boolean. True if time is included in analysis period
    # time filtering in Ladybug and honeybee is slightly different since start hour and end hour will be
    # applied for every day. For instance 2/20 9am to 2/22 5pm means hour between 9-17 during 20, 21 and 22 of Feb
    return time.MOY in self.__timestampsData

class DataList

Ladybug data list

A list of ladybug data with a LBHeader

class DataList:
    """Ladybug data list

        A list of ladybug data with a LBHeader
    def __init__(self, data = None, header = None):
        self.__data = self.checkInputData(data)
        self.header = LBHeader() if not header else header

    def values(self, header = False):
        """Return the list of values

                header: A boolean that indicates if values should include the headers

                A list of values
        if not header:
            return self.__data
            return self.header.toList() + self.__data

    def timeStamps(self):
        "List of time stamps for current data"
        return [value.datetime for value in self.__data]

    def checkInputData(self, data):
        """Check input data"""
        if not data: return []
        return [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in data]

    def append(self, data):
        """Append LBData to current list"""

    def extend(self, dataList):
        """Extend a list of LBData to the end of current list"""

    def duplicate(self):
        """Duplicate current data list"""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def average(data):
        values = [value.value for value in data]
        return sum(values)/len(data)

    def groupDataByMonth(self, monthRange = range(1,13), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped for each month

            key values are between 1-12

               monthRange: A list of numbers for months. Default is 1-12
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupValuesByMonth()
               print monthlyValues[2] # returns values for the month of March
        hourlyDataByMonth = {}
        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:
            if not d.datetime.month in monthRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByMonth.has_key(d.datetime.month): hourlyDataByMonth[d.datetime.month] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for months " + str(hourlyDataByMonth.keys())
        return hourlyDataByMonth

    def groupDataByDay(self, dayRange = range(1, 366), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each day of year

            key values are between 1-365

               dayRange: A list of numbers for days. Default is 1-365
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed
               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               dailyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByDay(range(1, 30))
               print dailyValues[2] # returns values for the second day of year
        hourlyDataByDay = {}

        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:
            DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(d.datetime.month,

            if not DOY in dayRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByDay.has_key(DOY): hourlyDataByDay[DOY] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for " + str(len(hourlyDataByDay.keys())) + " days."
        return hourlyDataByDay

    def groupDataByHour(self, hourRange = range(1, 25), userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each hour of day

            key values are between 1-24

               hourRange: A list of numbers for hours. Default is 1-24
               userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

               epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
               monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByMonth([1])
               groupedHourlyData = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues[2])
               for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
                   print "average temperature values for hour " + str(hour) + " during JAN is " + str(core.DataList.average(data)) + " " + DBT.header.unit
        hourlyDataByHour = {}

        if userDataList:
            data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
            data = self.__data

        for d in data:

            if not d.datetime.hour in hourRange: continue

            if not hourlyDataByHour.has_key(d.datetime.hour): hourlyDataByHour[d.datetime.hour] = [] #create an empty list for month


        print "Found data for hours " + str(hourlyDataByHour.keys())
        return hourlyDataByHour

    # TODO: Add validity check for input values
    def updateDataForAnAnalysisPeriod(self, values, analysisPeriod = None):
        """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
            for a specific analysis period.

            Length of values should be equal to number of hours in analysis period

                values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
                analysisPeriod: An analysis period for input the input values.
                    Default is set to the whole year.
        if not analysisPeriod:
            analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod()

        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(values) != analysisPeriod.totalNumOfHours:
            raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
                "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \
        # get all time stamps
        timeStamps = analysisPeriod.dates

        # map timeStamps and values
        newValues = {}
        for count, value in enumerate(values):
            HOY = timeStamps[count].HOY
            newValues[HOY] = value

        # update values
        updatedCount = 0
        for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
                value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
            except KeyError:

        # return self for chaining methods
        print "%s data are updated for %d hours."%(self.header.dataType, updatedCount)
        # return self for chaining methods
        return self

    def updateDataForHoursOfYear(self, values, hoursOfYear):
        """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
            for a list of hours of year

            Length of values should be equal to number of hours in hours of year

                values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
                hoursOfYear: A list of HOY between 1 and 8760
        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(values) != len(hoursOfYear):
            raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
                "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \

        # map hours and values
        newValues = {}
        for count, value in enumerate(values):
            HOY = hoursOfYear[count]
            newValues[HOY] = value

        # update values
        updatedCount = 0
        for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
                value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
            except KeyError:

        print "%s data %s updated for %d hour%s."%(self.header.dataType, \
                'are' if len(values)>1 else 'is', updatedCount,\
                's' if len(values)>1 else '')

        # return self for chaining methods
        return self

    def updateDataForAnHour(self, value, hourOfYear):
        """Replace current value in data list with a new value
            for a specific hour of the year

                value: A single value
                hoursOfYear: The hour of the year
        return self.updateDataForHoursOfYear([value], [hourOfYear])

    def filterByAnalysisPeriod(self, analysisPeriod):

        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               analysis period: A Ladybug analysis period

                A new DataList with filtered data

               analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod(2,1,1,3,31,24) #start of Feb to end of Mar
               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)
        if not analysisPeriod or analysisPeriod.isAnnual:
            print "You need a valid analysis period to filter data."
            return self

        # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
        # each data point one by one
        filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if analysisPeriod.isTimeIncluded(d.datetime)]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = analysisPeriod
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByHOYs(self, HOYs):

        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               HOYs: A List of hours of the year [1-8760]

                A new DataList with filtered data

               HOYs = range(1,48) # The first two days of the year
               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByHOYs(HOYs)

        # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
        # each data point one by one
        filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if d.datetime.HOY in HOYs]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = "unknown"
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByConditionalStatement(self, statement):
        """Filter the list based on an analysis period
               statement: A conditional statement as a string (e.g. x>25 and x%5==0).
                The variable should always be named as x

                A new DataList with filtered data

               epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
               DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
               # filter data for when dry bulb temperature is more then 25
               filteredDBT = DBT.filterByConditionalStatement('x > 25')
               # get the list of time stamps that meet the conditional statement
               print filteredDBT.timeStamps

        def checkInputStatement(statement):
            stStatement = statement.lower().replace("and", "").replace("or", "")\
                    .replace("not", "").replace("in", "").replace("is", "")

            l = [s for s in stStatement if s.isalpha()]
            if list(set(l)) != ['x']:
                statementErrorMsg = 'Invalid input statement. Statement should be a valid Python statement' + \
                    ' and the variable should be named as x'
                raise ValueError(statementErrorMsg)


        statement = statement.replace('x', 'd.value')
        filteredData = [d for d in self.__data if eval(statement)]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def filterByPattern(self, patternList):
        """Filter the list based on a list of Boolean

            Length of Boolean should be equal to length of values in DataList

                patternList: A list of True, False values

                A new DataList with filtered data
        # check length of data vs length of analysis period
        if len(self.values) != len(patternList):
            print len(self.values), len(patternList)
            errMsg = "Length of values %d is not equal to number of patterns %d" \
                    %(len(self.values), len(patternList))
            raise ValueError(errMsg)

        filteredData = [d for count, d in enumerate(self.__data) if patternList[count]]

        # create a new filteredData
        filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
        filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
        filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)

        return filteredDataList

    def averageMonthly(self, userDataList = None):
        """Return a dictionary of values for average values for available months"""

        # group data for each month
        monthlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)

        averageValues = dict()

        # average values for each month
        for month, values in monthlyValues.items():
            averageValues[month] = self.average(values)

        return averageValues

    def averageMonthlyForEachHour(self, userDataList = None):
        """Calculate average value for each hour during each month

            This method returns a dictionary with nested dictionaries for each hour
        # get monthy values
        monthlyHourlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)

        # group data for each hour in each month and collect them in a dictionary
        averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour = {}
        for month, monthlyValues in monthlyHourlyValues.items():
            if month not in averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour: averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month] = {}

            # group data for each hour
            groupedHourlyData = self.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues)
            for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
                averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month][hour] = self.average(data)

        return averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__data)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__data[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__data[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__data[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__data)

    # TODO: Reverse analysis period in header
    def __reversed__(self):
        return FunctionalList(reversed(self.__data))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Ladybug.DataList#%s"%self.header.dataType

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def average(


def average(data):
    values = [value.value for value in data]
    return sum(values)/len(data)

Instance variables

var header

var timeStamps

List of time stamps for current data


def __init__(

self, data=None, header=None)

def __init__(self, data = None, header = None):
    self.__data = self.checkInputData(data)
    self.header = LBHeader() if not header else header

def append(

self, data)

Append LBData to current list

def append(self, data):
    """Append LBData to current list"""

def averageMonthly(

self, userDataList=None)

Return a dictionary of values for average values for available months

def averageMonthly(self, userDataList = None):
    """Return a dictionary of values for average values for available months"""
    # group data for each month
    monthlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)
    averageValues = dict()
    # average values for each month
    for month, values in monthlyValues.items():
        averageValues[month] = self.average(values)
    return averageValues

def averageMonthlyForEachHour(

self, userDataList=None)

Calculate average value for each hour during each month

This method returns a dictionary with nested dictionaries for each hour

def averageMonthlyForEachHour(self, userDataList = None):
    """Calculate average value for each hour during each month
        This method returns a dictionary with nested dictionaries for each hour
    # get monthy values
    monthlyHourlyValues = self.groupDataByMonth(userDataList= userDataList)
    # group data for each hour in each month and collect them in a dictionary
    averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour = {}
    for month, monthlyValues in monthlyHourlyValues.items():
        if month not in averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour: averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month] = {}
        # group data for each hour
        groupedHourlyData = self.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues)
        for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
            averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour[month][hour] = self.average(data)
    return averagedMonthlyValuesPerHour

def checkInputData(

self, data)

Check input data

def checkInputData(self, data):
    """Check input data"""
    if not data: return []
    return [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in data]

def duplicate(


Duplicate current data list

def duplicate(self):
    """Duplicate current data list"""
    return copy.deepcopy(self)

def extend(

self, dataList)

Extend a list of LBData to the end of current list

def extend(self, dataList):
    """Extend a list of LBData to the end of current list"""

def filterByAnalysisPeriod(

self, analysisPeriod)

Filter the list based on an analysis period Parameters: analysis period: A Ladybug analysis period

Return: A new DataList with filtered data

Usage: analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod(2,1,1,3,31,24) #start of Feb to end of Mar epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw") DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature filteredDBT = DBT.filterByAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)

def filterByAnalysisPeriod(self, analysisPeriod):
    """Filter the list based on an analysis period
           analysis period: A Ladybug analysis period
            A new DataList with filtered data
           analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod(2,1,1,3,31,24) #start of Feb to end of Mar
           epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
           DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
           filteredDBT = DBT.filterByAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)
    if not analysisPeriod or analysisPeriod.isAnnual:
        print "You need a valid analysis period to filter data."
        return self
    # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
    # each data point one by one
    filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if analysisPeriod.isTimeIncluded(d.datetime)]
    # create a new filteredData
    filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
    filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = analysisPeriod
    filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)
    return filteredDataList

def filterByConditionalStatement(

self, statement)

Filter the list based on an analysis period Parameters: statement: A conditional statement as a string (e.g. x>25 and x%5==0). The variable should always be named as x

Return: A new DataList with filtered data

Usage: epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw") DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature # filter data for when dry bulb temperature is more then 25 filteredDBT = DBT.filterByConditionalStatement('x > 25') # get the list of time stamps that meet the conditional statement print filteredDBT.timeStamps

def filterByConditionalStatement(self, statement):
    """Filter the list based on an analysis period
           statement: A conditional statement as a string (e.g. x>25 and x%5==0).
            The variable should always be named as x
            A new DataList with filtered data
           epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
           DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
           # filter data for when dry bulb temperature is more then 25
           filteredDBT = DBT.filterByConditionalStatement('x > 25')
           # get the list of time stamps that meet the conditional statement
           print filteredDBT.timeStamps
    def checkInputStatement(statement):
        stStatement = statement.lower().replace("and", "").replace("or", "")\
                .replace("not", "").replace("in", "").replace("is", "")
        l = [s for s in stStatement if s.isalpha()]
        if list(set(l)) != ['x']:
            statementErrorMsg = 'Invalid input statement. Statement should be a valid Python statement' + \
                ' and the variable should be named as x'
            raise ValueError(statementErrorMsg)
    statement = statement.replace('x', 'd.value')
    filteredData = [d for d in self.__data if eval(statement)]
    # create a new filteredData
    filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
    filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
    filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)
    return filteredDataList

def filterByHOYs(

self, HOYs)

Filter the list based on an analysis period Parameters: HOYs: A List of hours of the year [1-8760]

Return: A new DataList with filtered data

Usage: HOYs = range(1,48) # The first two days of the year epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw") DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature filteredDBT = DBT.filterByHOYs(HOYs)

def filterByHOYs(self, HOYs):
    """Filter the list based on an analysis period
           HOYs: A List of hours of the year [1-8760]
            A new DataList with filtered data
           HOYs = range(1,48) # The first two days of the year
           epw = EPW("c:\ladybug\weatherdata.epw")
           DBT = epw.dryBulbTemperature
           filteredDBT = DBT.filterByHOYs(HOYs)
    # There is no guarantee that data is continuous so I iterate through the
    # each data point one by one
    filteredData = [ d for d in self.__data if d.datetime.HOY in HOYs]
    # create a new filteredData
    filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
    filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = "unknown"
    filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)
    return filteredDataList

def filterByPattern(

self, patternList)

Filter the list based on a list of Boolean

Length of Boolean should be equal to length of values in DataList

Parameters: patternList: A list of True, False values

Return: A new DataList with filtered data

def filterByPattern(self, patternList):
    """Filter the list based on a list of Boolean
        Length of Boolean should be equal to length of values in DataList
            patternList: A list of True, False values
            A new DataList with filtered data
    # check length of data vs length of analysis period
    if len(self.values) != len(patternList):
        print len(self.values), len(patternList)
        errMsg = "Length of values %d is not equal to number of patterns %d" \
                %(len(self.values), len(patternList))
        raise ValueError(errMsg)
    filteredData = [d for count, d in enumerate(self.__data) if patternList[count]]
    # create a new filteredData
    filteredHeader = self.header.duplicate()
    filteredHeader.analysisPeriod = 'N/A'
    filteredDataList = DataList(filteredData, filteredHeader)
    return filteredDataList

def groupDataByDay(

self, dayRange=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365], userDataList=None)

Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each day of year

key values are between 1-365

Parameters: dayRange: A list of numbers for days. Default is 1-365 userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed Usage: epwfile = EPW("epw file address") dailyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByDay(range(1, 30)) print dailyValues[2] # returns values for the second day of year

def groupDataByDay(self, dayRange = range(1, 366), userDataList = None):
    """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each day of year
        key values are between 1-365
           dayRange: A list of numbers for days. Default is 1-365
           userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed
           epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
           dailyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByDay(range(1, 30))
           print dailyValues[2] # returns values for the second day of year
    hourlyDataByDay = {}
    if userDataList:
        data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
        data = self.__data
    for d in data:
        DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(d.datetime.month,
        if not DOY in dayRange: continue
        if not hourlyDataByDay.has_key(DOY): hourlyDataByDay[DOY] = [] #create an empty list for month
    print "Found data for " + str(len(hourlyDataByDay.keys())) + " days."
    return hourlyDataByDay

def groupDataByHour(

self, hourRange=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], userDataList=None)

Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each hour of day

key values are between 1-24

Parameters: hourRange: A list of numbers for hours. Default is 1-24 userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

Usage: epwfile = EPW("epw file address") monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByMonth([1]) groupedHourlyData = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues[2]) for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items(): print "average temperature values for hour " + str(hour) + " during JAN is " + str(core.DataList.average(data)) + " " + DBT.header.unit

def groupDataByHour(self, hourRange = range(1, 25), userDataList = None):
    """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped by each hour of day
        key values are between 1-24
           hourRange: A list of numbers for hours. Default is 1-24
           userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed
           epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
           monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByMonth([1])
           groupedHourlyData = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupDataByHour(userDataList = monthlyValues[2])
           for hour, data in groupedHourlyData.items():
               print "average temperature values for hour " + str(hour) + " during JAN is " + str(core.DataList.average(data)) + " " + DBT.header.unit
    hourlyDataByHour = {}
    if userDataList:
        data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
        data = self.__data
    for d in data:
        if not d.datetime.hour in hourRange: continue
        if not hourlyDataByHour.has_key(d.datetime.hour): hourlyDataByHour[d.datetime.hour] = [] #create an empty list for month
    print "Found data for hours " + str(hourlyDataByHour.keys())
    return hourlyDataByHour

def groupDataByMonth(

self, monthRange=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], userDataList=None)

Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped for each month

key values are between 1-12

Parameters: monthRange: A list of numbers for months. Default is 1-12 userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed

Usage: epwfile = EPW("epw file address") monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupValuesByMonth() print monthlyValues[2] # returns values for the month of March

def groupDataByMonth(self, monthRange = range(1,13), userDataList = None):
    """Return a dictionary of values where values are grouped for each month
        key values are between 1-12
           monthRange: A list of numbers for months. Default is 1-12
           userDataList: An optional data list of LBData to be processed
           epwfile = EPW("epw file address")
           monthlyValues = epwfile.dryBulbTemperature.groupValuesByMonth()
           print monthlyValues[2] # returns values for the month of March
    hourlyDataByMonth = {}
    if userDataList:
        data = [LBData.fromLBData(d) for d in userDataList]
        data = self.__data
    for d in data:
        if not d.datetime.month in monthRange: continue
        if not hourlyDataByMonth.has_key(d.datetime.month): hourlyDataByMonth[d.datetime.month] = [] #create an empty list for month
    print "Found data for months " + str(hourlyDataByMonth.keys())
    return hourlyDataByMonth

def updateDataForAnAnalysisPeriod(

self, values, analysisPeriod=None)

Replace current values in data list with new set of values for a specific analysis period.

Length of values should be equal to number of hours in analysis period

Parameters: values: A list of values to be replaced in the file analysisPeriod: An analysis period for input the input values. Default is set to the whole year.

def updateDataForAnAnalysisPeriod(self, values, analysisPeriod = None):
    """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
        for a specific analysis period.
        Length of values should be equal to number of hours in analysis period
            values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
            analysisPeriod: An analysis period for input the input values.
                Default is set to the whole year.
    if not analysisPeriod:
        analysisPeriod = AnalysisPeriod()
    # check length of data vs length of analysis period
    if len(values) != analysisPeriod.totalNumOfHours:
        raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
            "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \
    # get all time stamps
    timeStamps = analysisPeriod.dates
    # map timeStamps and values
    newValues = {}
    for count, value in enumerate(values):
        HOY = timeStamps[count].HOY
        newValues[HOY] = value
    # update values
    updatedCount = 0
    for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
            value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
        except KeyError:
    # return self for chaining methods
    print "%s data are updated for %d hours."%(self.header.dataType, updatedCount)
    # return self for chaining methods
    return self

def updateDataForAnHour(

self, value, hourOfYear)

Replace current value in data list with a new value for a specific hour of the year

Parameters: value: A single value hoursOfYear: The hour of the year

def updateDataForAnHour(self, value, hourOfYear):
    """Replace current value in data list with a new value
        for a specific hour of the year
            value: A single value
            hoursOfYear: The hour of the year
    return self.updateDataForHoursOfYear([value], [hourOfYear])

def updateDataForHoursOfYear(

self, values, hoursOfYear)

Replace current values in data list with new set of values for a list of hours of year

Length of values should be equal to number of hours in hours of year

Parameters: values: A list of values to be replaced in the file hoursOfYear: A list of HOY between 1 and 8760

def updateDataForHoursOfYear(self, values, hoursOfYear):
    """Replace current values in data list with new set of values
        for a list of hours of year
        Length of values should be equal to number of hours in hours of year
            values: A list of values to be replaced in the file
            hoursOfYear: A list of HOY between 1 and 8760
    # check length of data vs length of analysis period
    if len(values) != len(hoursOfYear):
        raise ValueError("Length of values %d is not equal to " + \
            "number of hours in analysis period %d"%(len(values), \
    # map hours and values
    newValues = {}
    for count, value in enumerate(values):
        HOY = hoursOfYear[count]
        newValues[HOY] = value
    # update values
    updatedCount = 0
    for counter, data in enumerate(self.__data):
            value = newValues[data.datetime.HOY]
        except KeyError:
    print "%s data %s updated for %d hour%s."%(self.header.dataType, \
            'are' if len(values)>1 else 'is', updatedCount,\
            's' if len(values)>1 else '')
    # return self for chaining methods
    return self

def values(

self, header=False)

Return the list of values

Args: header: A boolean that indicates if values should include the headers

Return: A list of values

def values(self, header = False):
    """Return the list of values
            header: A boolean that indicates if values should include the headers
            A list of values
    if not header:
        return self.__data
        return self.header.toList() + self.__data

class DateTimeLib

Ladybug DateTime Libray This class includes useful data and methods for date and time

class DateTimeLib:
    """Ladybug DateTime Libray
    This class includes useful data and methods for date and time
    monthList = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC']
    numOfDaysEachMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
    numOfDaysUntilMonth = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]
    numOfHoursUntilMonth = [24 * numOfDay for numOfDay in numOfDaysUntilMonth]

    def checkDateTime(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
        """Checks if time combination is a valid time."""
        # check month
        if not 1 <= month <= 12:
            raise ValueError("month should be between 1-12")

        if day < 1 or day > cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of days for %s should be \
                    between 1-%d"%(cls.monthList[month-1], cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]))

        if not 0 <= hour <= 24:
            raise ValueError("hour should be between 0.0-24.0")

        if not minute or minute == 0:
            if hour == 0 and day == 1 and month == 1:
                # last hour of the year
                month = 12
                day = 31
                hour = 24

            elif hour == 0 and day == 1:
                # The last hour of the last day of the month before
                month -= 1
                day = cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]
                hour = 24

            elif hour==0:
                # the last hour of the day before
                hour = 24
                day -= 1

        hour, minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hour, minute)

        return month, day, hour, minute

    def getHourOfYear(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
        """Return hour of the year between 1 and 8760."""
        # make sure input values are correct
        month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)

        # fix the end day
        JD = cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)
        return (JD - 1) * 24 + hour

    def getDayOfYear(cls, month, day):
        """Retuen day of the year between 1 and 365"""
        # make sure input values are correct
        month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour = 1)

        # fix the end day
        return cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)

    def getMonthDayHourAndMinute(cls, hourOfYear):
        """Return month, day and hour for an hour of the year"""
        if hourOfYear == 8760: return 12, 31, 24, 0

        # find month
        for monthCount in range(12):
            if hourOfYear <= cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[monthCount + 1]:
                month = monthCount + 1

        # find day and hour
        if hourOfYear%24 == 0:
            # last hour of the day
            day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24)
            hour = 24
            minute = 0
            day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24) + 1
            hour = int(hourOfYear%24)
            minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hourOfYear)[1]

        return month, day, hour, minute

    def __getHourAndMinute(hour, minute = None):

        """Calculate and return hour and minute

            This method is mainly usefule for calculating minutes from float hours
            if minute is missing. otherwise it will only check the inputs append
            returns the checked values

                hour: A float value between 0.0-24.0
                minutes: An integer between 0-59. Default in None

                hour: An interger between 0-24
                minute: An integer between 0-59
        if not minute:
            minute = (hour - int(hour)) * 60

        # cast values to integer
        hour = int(hour + int(minute/60))
        minute = minute%60

        return hour, minute

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var monthList

var numOfDay

var numOfDaysEachMonth

var numOfDaysUntilMonth

var numOfHoursUntilMonth


def checkDateTime(

cls, month, day, hour, minute=None)

Checks if time combination is a valid time.

def checkDateTime(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
    """Checks if time combination is a valid time."""
    # check month
    if not 1 <= month <= 12:
        raise ValueError("month should be between 1-12")
    if day < 1 or day > cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]:
        raise ValueError("Number of days for %s should be \
                between 1-%d"%(cls.monthList[month-1], cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]))
    if not 0 <= hour <= 24:
        raise ValueError("hour should be between 0.0-24.0")
    if not minute or minute == 0:
        if hour == 0 and day == 1 and month == 1:
            # last hour of the year
            month = 12
            day = 31
            hour = 24
        elif hour == 0 and day == 1:
            # The last hour of the last day of the month before
            month -= 1
            day = cls.numOfDaysEachMonth[month-1]
            hour = 24
        elif hour==0:
            # the last hour of the day before
            hour = 24
            day -= 1
    hour, minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hour, minute)
    return month, day, hour, minute

def getDayOfYear(

cls, month, day)

Retuen day of the year between 1 and 365

def getDayOfYear(cls, month, day):
    """Retuen day of the year between 1 and 365"""
    # make sure input values are correct
    month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour = 1)
    # fix the end day
    return cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)

def getHourOfYear(

cls, month, day, hour, minute=None)

Return hour of the year between 1 and 8760.

def getHourOfYear(cls, month, day, hour, minute = None):
    """Return hour of the year between 1 and 8760."""
    # make sure input values are correct
    month, day, hour, minute = cls.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)
    # fix the end day
    JD = cls.numOfDaysUntilMonth[month-1] + int(day)
    return (JD - 1) * 24 + hour

def getMonthDayHourAndMinute(

cls, hourOfYear)

Return month, day and hour for an hour of the year

def getMonthDayHourAndMinute(cls, hourOfYear):
    """Return month, day and hour for an hour of the year"""
    if hourOfYear == 8760: return 12, 31, 24, 0
    # find month
    for monthCount in range(12):
        if hourOfYear <= cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[monthCount + 1]:
            month = monthCount + 1
    # find day and hour
    if hourOfYear%24 == 0:
        # last hour of the day
        day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24)
        hour = 24
        minute = 0
        day = int((hourOfYear - cls.numOfHoursUntilMonth[month - 1])/24) + 1
        hour = int(hourOfYear%24)
        minute = cls.__getHourAndMinute(hourOfYear)[1]
    return month, day, hour, minute

class LBData

Ladybug data point

class LBData:
    """Ladybug data point"""

    # TODO: Change value to be an object from it's data type
    #       Check for available datatypes

    def __init__(self, value, dateTime):
        self.datetime = dateTime
        self.value = value

    def fromLBData(cls, data):
        assert isinstance(data, LBData), "Input is not a LBData."
        return data

    def updateValue(self, newValue):
        self.value = newValue

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self.value)

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.value)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return  self.value == float(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return  self.value != float(other)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.value < other

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.value > other

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.value <= other

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.value >= other

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.value + other

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self.value - other

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.value * other

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        return self.value // other

    def __div__(self, other):
        return self.value / other

    def __mod__(self, other):
        return self.value%other

    def __pow__(self, other):
        return self.value**other

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self.__add__(other)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return other - self.value

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        return self.__mul__(other)

    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        return other//self.value

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return other/self.value

    def __rmod__(self, other):
        return other%self.value

    def __rpow__(self, other):
        return other**self.value

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var datetime

var value


def __init__(

self, value, dateTime)

def __init__(self, value, dateTime):
    self.datetime = dateTime
    self.value = value

def fromLBData(

cls, data)

def fromLBData(cls, data):
    assert isinstance(data, LBData), "Input is not a LBData."
    return data

def updateValue(

self, newValue)

def updateValue(self, newValue):
    self.value = newValue

class LBDateTime

Ladybug Date time

class LBDateTime:
    """Ladybug Date time"""
    def __init__(self, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 1, minute = None):
        self.month,, self.hour, \
            self.minute = DateTimeLib.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)

        self.floatHour = self.hour + self.minute/60.0
        self.DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(self.month,
        self.HOY = DateTimeLib.getHourOfYear(self.month,, self.hour, self.minute)
        self.MOY = self.HOY * 60  + self.minute # minute of the year
        self.floatHOY = self.HOY + self.minute/60.0

    def fromHOY(cls, HOY):
        """Create Ladybug Datetime from an hour of the year

                HOY: A float value between 0.0 to 8760.0
        month, day, hour, minute = DateTimeLib.getMonthDayHourAndMinute(HOY)
        return cls(month, day, hour, minute)

    def fromMOY(cls, MOY):
        """create Ladybug DateTime from Minute of the year"""
        HOY = MOY/60.0
        return cls.fromHOY(HOY)

    def fromDateTimeString(cls, datetimeString):
        day, month, hour, minute = datetimeString \
                .replace(" at ", " ") \
                .replace(":", " ") \
                .split(" ")

        month = DateTimeLib.monthList.index(month.upper()) + 1

        return cls(month, int(day), int(hour), int(minute))

    def humanReadableHour(self):
        """Return hours and minutes in a human readable way"""
        minute = str(self.minute)
        if len(minute) == 1: minute = "0" + minute
        return "%d:%s"%(self.hour, minute)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%d %s at %s"%(, DateTimeLib.monthList[self.month-1], self.humanReadableHour)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var DOY

var HOY

var MOY

var floatHOY

var floatHour

var humanReadableHour

Return hours and minutes in a human readable way


def __init__(

self, month=1, day=1, hour=1, minute=None)

def __init__(self, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 1, minute = None):
    self.month,, self.hour, \
        self.minute = DateTimeLib.checkDateTime(month, day, hour, minute)
    self.floatHour = self.hour + self.minute/60.0
    self.DOY = DateTimeLib.getDayOfYear(self.month,
    self.HOY = DateTimeLib.getHourOfYear(self.month,, self.hour, self.minute)
    self.MOY = self.HOY * 60  + self.minute # minute of the year
    self.floatHOY = self.HOY + self.minute/60.0

def fromDateTimeString(

cls, datetimeString)

def fromDateTimeString(cls, datetimeString):
    day, month, hour, minute = datetimeString \
            .replace(" at ", " ") \
            .replace(":", " ") \
            .split(" ")
    month = DateTimeLib.monthList.index(month.upper()) + 1
    return cls(month, int(day), int(hour), int(minute))

def fromHOY(

cls, HOY)

Create Ladybug Datetime from an hour of the year

Args: HOY: A float value between 0.0 to 8760.0

def fromHOY(cls, HOY):
    """Create Ladybug Datetime from an hour of the year
            HOY: A float value between 0.0 to 8760.0
    month, day, hour, minute = DateTimeLib.getMonthDayHourAndMinute(HOY)
    return cls(month, day, hour, minute)

def fromMOY(

cls, MOY)

create Ladybug DateTime from Minute of the year

def fromMOY(cls, MOY):
    """create Ladybug DateTime from Minute of the year"""
    HOY = MOY/60.0
    return cls.fromHOY(HOY)

class LBHeader

Standard Ladybug header for lists.

The header carries data for city, data type, unit, and analysis period

Attributes: city: A string for the city name dataType: A valid Ladybug data type. Try DataType.dataTypes to see list of data types unit: dataType unit. If empty string it will be set based on dataType timestep: Data timestep "Hourly", "Daily", "Monthly", "Annual", "N/A" analysisPeriod: A Ladybug analysis period. (defualt: 1 Jan 1 to 31 Dec 24)

class LBHeader:
    """Standard Ladybug header for lists.

        The header carries data for city,
        data type, unit, and analysis period

            city: A string for the city name
            dataType: A valid Ladybug data type. Try DataType.dataTypes to see list of data types
            unit: dataType unit. If empty string it will be set based on dataType
            timestep: Data timestep "Hourly", "Daily", "Monthly", "Annual", "N/A"
            analysisPeriod: A Ladybug analysis period. (defualt: 1 Jan 1 to 31 Dec 24)

    def __init__(self, city = 'unknown', dataType = 'unknown', unit = 'unknown', frequency = 'unknown', analysisPeriod = None):
        """Initiate Ladybug header for lists.""" = city
        self.dataType = dataType
        self.unit = unit
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.analysisPeriod = 'unknown' if not analysisPeriod \
                else AnalysisPeriod.fromAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)

    def duplicate(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def __key(self):
        return 'location|dataType|units|frequency|dataPeriod'

    def toList(self):
        """Return Ladybug header as a list"""
        return [

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s for %s during %s"%(self.dataType,, self.analysisPeriod)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var analysisPeriod

var city

var dataType

var frequency

var unit


def __init__(

self, city='unknown', dataType='unknown', unit='unknown', frequency='unknown', analysisPeriod=None)

Initiate Ladybug header for lists.

def __init__(self, city = 'unknown', dataType = 'unknown', unit = 'unknown', frequency = 'unknown', analysisPeriod = None):
    """Initiate Ladybug header for lists.""" = city
    self.dataType = dataType
    self.unit = unit
    self.frequency = frequency
    self.analysisPeriod = 'unknown' if not analysisPeriod \
            else AnalysisPeriod.fromAnalysisPeriod(analysisPeriod)

def duplicate(


def duplicate(self):
    return copy.deepcopy(self)

def toList(


Return Ladybug header as a list

def toList(self):
    """Return Ladybug header as a list"""
    return [

class LBPatchData

Ladybug sky patch data type

class LBPatchData(LBData):
    """Ladybug sky patch data type"""
    def __init__(self, value, vector):
        # sky data doesn't have time
        datetime = LBDateTime()
        LBData.__init__(self, value, datetime)
        self.vector = euclid.Vector3(*vector)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var datetime

Inheritance: LBData.datetime

var value

Inheritance: LBData.value

var vector


def __init__(

self, value, vector)

Inheritance: LBData.__init__

def __init__(self, value, vector):
    # sky data doesn't have time
    datetime = LBDateTime()
    LBData.__init__(self, value, datetime)
    self.vector = euclid.Vector3(*vector)

def fromLBData(

cls, data)

Inheritance: LBData.fromLBData

def fromLBData(cls, data):
    assert isinstance(data, LBData), "Input is not a LBData."
    return data

def updateValue(

self, newValue)

Inheritance: LBData.updateValue

def updateValue(self, newValue):
    self.value = newValue

class Location

class Location:

    def __init__(self, city = '', country = '', latitude = '0.00', \
                longitude = '0.00', timeZone = '0.00', elevation ='0.00', \
                source = '', stationId = ''): = str(city) = str(country)
        self.latitude = float(latitude)
        self.longitude = float(longitude)
        self.timeZone = float(timeZone)
        self.elevation = float(elevation)
        self.source = str(source)
        self.stationId = str(stationId)

    def createFromEPString(self, EPString):
        """Create a Ladybug location from an EnergyPlus location string
                EPString: Standard EP location string

                l = Location() #initiate location
                print "LAT:%s, LON:%s"%(l.latitude, l.longitude)

  , self.latitude, \
            self.longitude, self.timeZone, \
            self.elevation = re.findall(r'\r*\n*([a-zA-Z0-9.:_-]*)[,|;]', \
                                    EPString, re.DOTALL)[1:]

            self.latitude = float(self.latitude)
            self.longitude = float(self.longitude)
            self.timeZone = float(self.timeZone)
            self.elevation = float(self.elevation)
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception ("Failed to import EP string! %s"%str(e))

    def duplicate(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    def EPStyleLocationString(self):
        """Return EnergyPlus's location string"""
        return "Site:Location,\n" + \
   + ',\n' + \
            str(self.latitude) +',      !Latitude\n' + \
            str(self.longitude) +',     !Longitude\n' + \
            str(self.timeZone) +',     !Time Zone\n' + \
            str(self.elevation) + ';       !Elevation'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s"%(self.EPStyleLocationString)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var EPStyleLocationString

Return EnergyPlus's location string

var city

var country

var elevation

var latitude

var longitude

var source

var stationId

var timeZone


def __init__(

self, city='', country='', latitude='0.00', longitude='0.00', timeZone='0.00', elevation='0.00', source='', stationId='')

def __init__(self, city = '', country = '', latitude = '0.00', \
            longitude = '0.00', timeZone = '0.00', elevation ='0.00', \
            source = '', stationId = ''): = str(city) = str(country)
    self.latitude = float(latitude)
    self.longitude = float(longitude)
    self.timeZone = float(timeZone)
    self.elevation = float(elevation)
    self.source = str(source)
    self.stationId = str(stationId)

def createFromEPString(

self, EPString)

Create a Ladybug location from an EnergyPlus location string Parameters: EPString: Standard EP location string

Usage: l = Location() #initiate location l.createFromEPString(EPString) print "LAT:%s, LON:%s"%(l.latitude, l.longitude)

def createFromEPString(self, EPString):
    """Create a Ladybug location from an EnergyPlus location string
            EPString: Standard EP location string
            l = Location() #initiate location
            print "LAT:%s, LON:%s"%(l.latitude, l.longitude)
    try:, self.latitude, \
        self.longitude, self.timeZone, \
        self.elevation = re.findall(r'\r*\n*([a-zA-Z0-9.:_-]*)[,|;]', \
                                EPString, re.DOTALL)[1:]
        self.latitude = float(self.latitude)
        self.longitude = float(self.longitude)
        self.timeZone = float(self.timeZone)
        self.elevation = float(self.elevation)
    except Exception, e:
        raise Exception ("Failed to import EP string! %s"%str(e))

def duplicate(


def duplicate(self):
    return copy.deepcopy(self)