
ladybugdynamo.ladybug.color module

Ladybug color, colorsets and colorrange

"""Ladybug color, colorsets and colorrange"""

class LBColor(object):
    """Ladybug RGB color
            r: red value 0-255, default: 0
            g: green value 0-255, default: 0
            b: blue red value 0-255, default: 0
    def __init__(self, r, g, b):
        self.r = r
        self.g = g
        self.b = b

    def r(self):
        return self.__r

    def r(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "R value should be between 0-255"
        self.__r = int(value)

    def g(self):
        return self.__g

    def g(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "G value should be between 0-255"
        self.__g = int(value)

    def b(self):
        return self.__b

    def b(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "B value should be between 0-255"
        self.__b = int(value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return ""%(self.__r, self.__g, self.__b)

# TODO: Add support for CMYK
class LBColorset(object):
    """Ladybug Color-range repository

        A list of default Ladybug colorsets for color range
            0 - Orignal Ladybug
            1 - Nuanced Ladybug
            2 - Multi-colored Ladybug
            3 - View Analysis 1
            4 - View Analysis 2 (Red,Green,Blue)
            5 - Sunlight Hours
            6 - Ecotect
            7 - Thermal Comfort Percentage
            8 - Thermal Comfort Colors
            9 - Thermal Comfort Colors (UTCI)
            10 - Hot Hours
            11 - Cold Hours
            12 - Shade Benefit/Harm
            13 - Thermal Comfort Colors v2 (UTCI)
            14 - Shade Harm
            15 - Shade Benefit
            16 - Black to White
            17 - CFD Colors 1
            18 - CFD Colors 2
            19 - Energy Balance
            20 - THERM
            21 - Cloud Cover

            cs = LBColorset()
            >>[, , , , , , , , , ]

    # TODO: write a LBColor object
    def __init__(self):
        self.__colors = {
        0: [(75, 107, 169), (115, 147, 202), (170, 200, 247), (193, 213, 208), (245, 239, 103), (252, 230, 74), (239, 156, 21), (234, 123, 0), (234, 74, 0), (234, 38, 0)],
        1: [(49,54,149), (69,117,180), (116,173,209), (171,217,233), (224,243,248), (255,255,191), (254,224,144), (253,174,97), (244,109,67), (215,48,39), (165,0,38)],
        2: [(4,25,145), (7,48,224), (7,88,255), (1,232,255), (97,246,156), (166,249,86), (254,244,1), (255,121,0), (239,39,0), (138,17,0)],
        3: [(255,20,147), (240,47,145), (203,117,139), (160,196,133), (132,248,129), (124,253,132), (96,239,160), (53,217,203), (15,198,240), (0,191,255)],
        4: [(0,13,255), (0,41,234), (0,113,181), (0,194,122), (0,248,82), (8,247,75), (64,191,58), (150,105,32), (225,30,9), (255,0,0)],
        5: [(55,55,55), (235,235,235)],
        6: [(0,0,255), (53,0,202), (107,0,148), (160,0,95), (214,0,41), (255,12,0), (255,66,0), (255,119,0), (255,173,0), (255,226,0), (255,255,0)],
        7: [(0,0,0), (110,0,153), (255,0,0), (255,255,102), (255,255,255)],
        8: [(0,136,255), (200,225,255), (255,255,255), (255,230,230), (255,0,0)],
        9: [(0,136,255), (67,176,255), (134,215,255), (174,228,255), (215,242,255), (255,255,255), (255,243,243), (255,0,0)],
        10: [(255,255,255), (255,0,0)],
        11: [(255,255,255), (0,136,255)],
        12: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
        13: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (244,165,130), (178,24,43)],
        14: [(255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
        15: [(255,255,255), (209,229,240), (146,197,222), (67,147,195), (33,102,172), (5,48,97)],
        16: [(0,0,0), (255,255,255)],
        17: [(0,16,120), (38,70,160), (5,180,222), (16,180,109), (59,183,35), (143,209,19), (228,215,29), (246,147,17), (243,74,0), (255,0,0)],
        18: [(69,92,166), (66,128,167), (62,176,168), (78,181,137), (120,188,59), (139,184,46), (197,157,54), (220,144,57), (228,100,59), (233,68,60)],
        19: [(138,17,0), (239,39,0), (255,121,0), (254,244,1), (166,249,86), (97,246,156), (1,232,255), (7,88,255), (4,25,145), (128,102,64)],
        20: [(0,0,0), (137,0,139), (218,0,218), (196,0,255), (0,92,255), (0,198,252), (0,244,215), (0,220,101), (7,193,0), (115,220,0), (249,251,0), (254,178,0), (253,77,0), (255,15,15), (255,135,135), (255,255,255)],
        21: [(0,251,255), (255,255,255), (217,217,217), (83,114,115)]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__colors)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return [LBColor(*color) for color in self.__colors[key]]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__colors[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__colors[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__colors)

class LBColorRange(object):
    """Ladybug Color-range repository

        A list of default Ladybug colorRanges

            colors: A list of colors. Colors should be input as R, G, B values. Default: LBColorset[1]
            domain: A list of numbers or strings. For numerical values it should be sorted from min to max. Default: ['min', 'max']
            chartType: 0: continuous, 1: segmented, 2: ordinal. Default: 0
                In segmented and ordinal mode number of values should match number of colors
                Ordinal values can be strings and well as numericals
            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1)
            colorRange.domain = [100, 2000]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]
            print colorRange.color(99)
            print colorRange.color(100)
            print colorRange.color(2000)
            print colorRange.color(2001)

            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1)
            colorRange.domain = [100, 2000]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]

            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 2)
            colorRange.domain = ["cold", "comfortable", "hot"]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]


    # TODO: write a LBColor object
    def __init__(self, colors = None, domain = None, chartType = 0):
        self.ctype = chartType
        self.__isDomainSet = False
        self.colors = colors
        self.domain = domain

    def isDomainSet(self):
        return self.__isDomainSet

    def domain(self):
        return self.__domain

    def domain(self, dom):
        # check and prepare domain
        if not dom: dom = [0, 1]
        if 'min' in dom or 'max' in dom:
            self.__domain = dom
            self.__isDomainSet = False
            assert hasattr(dom, "__iter__"), "Domain should be an iterable type"
            # if domain is numerical it should be sorted
                dom = map(float, dom)
                if self.__ctype != 2:
                    print "Text domains can only be used in ordinal mode.\n" + \
                        "Type is changed to ordinal."
                    self.ctype == 2

            if self.__ctype == 0:
                # continuous
                # if type is continuous domain can only be 2 values
                # or at least 1 value less than number of colors
                if len(dom) == 2:
                    # remap domain based on colors
                    _step = float(dom[1]-dom[0])/(len(self.__colors) - 1)
                    _n = dom[0]
                    dom = []
                    for c in range(len(self.__colors)): dom.append(_n + c *_step)
                assert len(self.__colors) >= len(dom), \
                    "For continuous colors length of domain should be 2 or equal to number of colors"

            elif self.__ctype == 1:
                # segmented
                # Number of colors should be at least one more than number of domain Values
                assert len(self.__colors) > len(dom), "Length of colors " + \
                    "should be more than domain values for segmented colors"

            self.__domain = dom
            self.__isDomainSet = True

    def colors(self):
        return self.__colors

    def colors(self, cols):
        if not cols:
            self.__colors = LBColorset()[1]
            assert hasattr(cols, "__iter__"), "Colors should be an iterable type"
                cols = [col if isinstance(col, LBColor) else LBColor(col.R, col.G, col.B) for col in cols]
                raise ValueError("%s is not a vlid color"%str(cols))
            self.__colors = cols

    def ctype(self):
        return self.__ctype

    def ctype(self, t):
        assert 0 <= int(t) <= 2, "Chart Type should be between 0-2\n" + \
            "0: continuous, 1: segmented, 2: ordinal"
        self.__ctype = int(t)

    def color(self, value):
        """Return color for an input value"""

        assert self.__isDomainSet, "Domain is not set. Use self.domain to set the domain."

        if self.__ctype == 2:
            # if ordinal map the value and color
                return self.__colors[self.__domain.index(value)]
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("%s is not a valid input for ordinal type.\n"%str(value) + \
                    "List of valid values are %s"%";".join(map(str, self.__domain)))

        if value < self.__domain[0]: return self.__colors[0]
        if value > self.__domain[-1]: return self.__colors[-1]

        # find the index of the value in domain
        for count, d in enumerate(self.__domain):
            if  d <= value <= self.__domain[count + 1]:
                if self.__ctype == 0: return self.__calColor(value, count)
                if self.__ctype == 1: return self.__colors[count + 1]

    def __calColor(self, value, colorIndex):
        """Blend between two colors based on input value"""
        rangeMinP = self.__domain[colorIndex]
        rangeP = self.__domain[colorIndex + 1] - rangeMinP
        factor = (value - rangeMinP)/rangeP
        minColor = self.colors[colorIndex]
        maxColor = self.colors[colorIndex + 1]
        red = round(factor * (maxColor.r - minColor.r) + minColor.r)
        green = round(factor * (maxColor.g - minColor.g) + minColor.g)
        blue = round(factor * (maxColor.b - minColor.b) + minColor.b)

        return LBColor(red, green, blue)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__colors)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__colors[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__colors[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__colors[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__colors)


class LBColor

Ladybug RGB color Attributes: r: red value 0-255, default: 0 g: green value 0-255, default: 0 b: blue red value 0-255, default: 0

class LBColor(object):
    """Ladybug RGB color
            r: red value 0-255, default: 0
            g: green value 0-255, default: 0
            b: blue red value 0-255, default: 0
    def __init__(self, r, g, b):
        self.r = r
        self.g = g
        self.b = b

    def r(self):
        return self.__r

    def r(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "R value should be between 0-255"
        self.__r = int(value)

    def g(self):
        return self.__g

    def g(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "G value should be between 0-255"
        self.__g = int(value)

    def b(self):
        return self.__b

    def b(self, value):
        assert 0 <= int(value) <= 255, "%d is out of range. "%value + \
            "B value should be between 0-255"
        self.__b = int(value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return ""%(self.__r, self.__g, self.__b)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var b

var g

var r


def __init__(

self, r, g, b)

def __init__(self, r, g, b):
    self.r = r
    self.g = g
    self.b = b

class LBColorRange

Ladybug Color-range repository

A list of default Ladybug colorRanges

Args: range: colors: A list of colors. Colors should be input as R, G, B values. Default: LBColorset[1] domain: A list of numbers or strings. For numerical values it should be sorted from min to max. Default: ['min', 'max'] chartType: 0: continuous, 1: segmented, 2: ordinal. Default: 0 In segmented and ordinal mode number of values should match number of colors Ordinal values can be strings and well as numericals Usage: ## colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1) colorRange.domain = [100, 2000] colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)] print colorRange.color(99) print colorRange.color(100) print colorRange.color(2000) print colorRange.color(2001) >> >> >> >>

colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1)
colorRange.domain = [100, 2000]
colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]
>> <R:245, G:239, B:103>

colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 2)
colorRange.domain = ["cold", "comfortable", "hot"]
colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]
>> <R:245, G:239, B:103>
class LBColorRange(object):
    """Ladybug Color-range repository

        A list of default Ladybug colorRanges

            colors: A list of colors. Colors should be input as R, G, B values. Default: LBColorset[1]
            domain: A list of numbers or strings. For numerical values it should be sorted from min to max. Default: ['min', 'max']
            chartType: 0: continuous, 1: segmented, 2: ordinal. Default: 0
                In segmented and ordinal mode number of values should match number of colors
                Ordinal values can be strings and well as numericals
            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1)
            colorRange.domain = [100, 2000]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]
            print colorRange.color(99)
            print colorRange.color(100)
            print colorRange.color(2000)
            print colorRange.color(2001)

            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 1)
            colorRange.domain = [100, 2000]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]

            colorRange = LBColorRange(chartType = 2)
            colorRange.domain = ["cold", "comfortable", "hot"]
            colorRange.colors = [LBColor(75, 107, 169), LBColor(245, 239, 103), LBColor(234, 38, 0)]


    # TODO: write a LBColor object
    def __init__(self, colors = None, domain = None, chartType = 0):
        self.ctype = chartType
        self.__isDomainSet = False
        self.colors = colors
        self.domain = domain

    def isDomainSet(self):
        return self.__isDomainSet

    def domain(self):
        return self.__domain

    def domain(self, dom):
        # check and prepare domain
        if not dom: dom = [0, 1]
        if 'min' in dom or 'max' in dom:
            self.__domain = dom
            self.__isDomainSet = False
            assert hasattr(dom, "__iter__"), "Domain should be an iterable type"
            # if domain is numerical it should be sorted
                dom = map(float, dom)
                if self.__ctype != 2:
                    print "Text domains can only be used in ordinal mode.\n" + \
                        "Type is changed to ordinal."
                    self.ctype == 2

            if self.__ctype == 0:
                # continuous
                # if type is continuous domain can only be 2 values
                # or at least 1 value less than number of colors
                if len(dom) == 2:
                    # remap domain based on colors
                    _step = float(dom[1]-dom[0])/(len(self.__colors) - 1)
                    _n = dom[0]
                    dom = []
                    for c in range(len(self.__colors)): dom.append(_n + c *_step)
                assert len(self.__colors) >= len(dom), \
                    "For continuous colors length of domain should be 2 or equal to number of colors"

            elif self.__ctype == 1:
                # segmented
                # Number of colors should be at least one more than number of domain Values
                assert len(self.__colors) > len(dom), "Length of colors " + \
                    "should be more than domain values for segmented colors"

            self.__domain = dom
            self.__isDomainSet = True

    def colors(self):
        return self.__colors

    def colors(self, cols):
        if not cols:
            self.__colors = LBColorset()[1]
            assert hasattr(cols, "__iter__"), "Colors should be an iterable type"
                cols = [col if isinstance(col, LBColor) else LBColor(col.R, col.G, col.B) for col in cols]
                raise ValueError("%s is not a vlid color"%str(cols))
            self.__colors = cols

    def ctype(self):
        return self.__ctype

    def ctype(self, t):
        assert 0 <= int(t) <= 2, "Chart Type should be between 0-2\n" + \
            "0: continuous, 1: segmented, 2: ordinal"
        self.__ctype = int(t)

    def color(self, value):
        """Return color for an input value"""

        assert self.__isDomainSet, "Domain is not set. Use self.domain to set the domain."

        if self.__ctype == 2:
            # if ordinal map the value and color
                return self.__colors[self.__domain.index(value)]
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("%s is not a valid input for ordinal type.\n"%str(value) + \
                    "List of valid values are %s"%";".join(map(str, self.__domain)))

        if value < self.__domain[0]: return self.__colors[0]
        if value > self.__domain[-1]: return self.__colors[-1]

        # find the index of the value in domain
        for count, d in enumerate(self.__domain):
            if  d <= value <= self.__domain[count + 1]:
                if self.__ctype == 0: return self.__calColor(value, count)
                if self.__ctype == 1: return self.__colors[count + 1]

    def __calColor(self, value, colorIndex):
        """Blend between two colors based on input value"""
        rangeMinP = self.__domain[colorIndex]
        rangeP = self.__domain[colorIndex + 1] - rangeMinP
        factor = (value - rangeMinP)/rangeP
        minColor = self.colors[colorIndex]
        maxColor = self.colors[colorIndex + 1]
        red = round(factor * (maxColor.r - minColor.r) + minColor.r)
        green = round(factor * (maxColor.g - minColor.g) + minColor.g)
        blue = round(factor * (maxColor.b - minColor.b) + minColor.b)

        return LBColor(red, green, blue)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__colors)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__colors[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__colors[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__colors[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__colors)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var colors

var ctype

var domain

var isDomainSet


def __init__(

self, colors=None, domain=None, chartType=0)

def __init__(self, colors = None, domain = None, chartType = 0):
    self.ctype = chartType
    self.__isDomainSet = False
    self.colors = colors
    self.domain = domain

def color(

self, value)

Return color for an input value

def color(self, value):
    """Return color for an input value"""
    assert self.__isDomainSet, "Domain is not set. Use self.domain to set the domain."
    if self.__ctype == 2:
        # if ordinal map the value and color
            return self.__colors[self.__domain.index(value)]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("%s is not a valid input for ordinal type.\n"%str(value) + \
                "List of valid values are %s"%";".join(map(str, self.__domain)))
    if value < self.__domain[0]: return self.__colors[0]
    if value > self.__domain[-1]: return self.__colors[-1]
    # find the index of the value in domain
    for count, d in enumerate(self.__domain):
        if  d <= value <= self.__domain[count + 1]:
            if self.__ctype == 0: return self.__calColor(value, count)
            if self.__ctype == 1: return self.__colors[count + 1]

class LBColorset

Ladybug Color-range repository

A list of default Ladybug colorsets for color range 0 - Orignal Ladybug 1 - Nuanced Ladybug 2 - Multi-colored Ladybug 3 - View Analysis 1 4 - View Analysis 2 (Red,Green,Blue) 5 - Sunlight Hours 6 - Ecotect 7 - Thermal Comfort Percentage 8 - Thermal Comfort Colors 9 - Thermal Comfort Colors (UTCI) 10 - Hot Hours 11 - Cold Hours 12 - Shade Benefit/Harm 13 - Thermal Comfort Colors v2 (UTCI) 14 - Shade Harm 15 - Shade Benefit 16 - Black to White 17 - CFD Colors 1 18 - CFD Colors 2 19 - Energy Balance 20 - THERM 21 - Cloud Cover

Usage: cs = LBColorset() cs[0] >>[, , , , , , , , , ]

class LBColorset(object):
    """Ladybug Color-range repository

        A list of default Ladybug colorsets for color range
            0 - Orignal Ladybug
            1 - Nuanced Ladybug
            2 - Multi-colored Ladybug
            3 - View Analysis 1
            4 - View Analysis 2 (Red,Green,Blue)
            5 - Sunlight Hours
            6 - Ecotect
            7 - Thermal Comfort Percentage
            8 - Thermal Comfort Colors
            9 - Thermal Comfort Colors (UTCI)
            10 - Hot Hours
            11 - Cold Hours
            12 - Shade Benefit/Harm
            13 - Thermal Comfort Colors v2 (UTCI)
            14 - Shade Harm
            15 - Shade Benefit
            16 - Black to White
            17 - CFD Colors 1
            18 - CFD Colors 2
            19 - Energy Balance
            20 - THERM
            21 - Cloud Cover

            cs = LBColorset()
            >>[, , , , , , , , , ]

    # TODO: write a LBColor object
    def __init__(self):
        self.__colors = {
        0: [(75, 107, 169), (115, 147, 202), (170, 200, 247), (193, 213, 208), (245, 239, 103), (252, 230, 74), (239, 156, 21), (234, 123, 0), (234, 74, 0), (234, 38, 0)],
        1: [(49,54,149), (69,117,180), (116,173,209), (171,217,233), (224,243,248), (255,255,191), (254,224,144), (253,174,97), (244,109,67), (215,48,39), (165,0,38)],
        2: [(4,25,145), (7,48,224), (7,88,255), (1,232,255), (97,246,156), (166,249,86), (254,244,1), (255,121,0), (239,39,0), (138,17,0)],
        3: [(255,20,147), (240,47,145), (203,117,139), (160,196,133), (132,248,129), (124,253,132), (96,239,160), (53,217,203), (15,198,240), (0,191,255)],
        4: [(0,13,255), (0,41,234), (0,113,181), (0,194,122), (0,248,82), (8,247,75), (64,191,58), (150,105,32), (225,30,9), (255,0,0)],
        5: [(55,55,55), (235,235,235)],
        6: [(0,0,255), (53,0,202), (107,0,148), (160,0,95), (214,0,41), (255,12,0), (255,66,0), (255,119,0), (255,173,0), (255,226,0), (255,255,0)],
        7: [(0,0,0), (110,0,153), (255,0,0), (255,255,102), (255,255,255)],
        8: [(0,136,255), (200,225,255), (255,255,255), (255,230,230), (255,0,0)],
        9: [(0,136,255), (67,176,255), (134,215,255), (174,228,255), (215,242,255), (255,255,255), (255,243,243), (255,0,0)],
        10: [(255,255,255), (255,0,0)],
        11: [(255,255,255), (0,136,255)],
        12: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
        13: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (244,165,130), (178,24,43)],
        14: [(255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
        15: [(255,255,255), (209,229,240), (146,197,222), (67,147,195), (33,102,172), (5,48,97)],
        16: [(0,0,0), (255,255,255)],
        17: [(0,16,120), (38,70,160), (5,180,222), (16,180,109), (59,183,35), (143,209,19), (228,215,29), (246,147,17), (243,74,0), (255,0,0)],
        18: [(69,92,166), (66,128,167), (62,176,168), (78,181,137), (120,188,59), (139,184,46), (197,157,54), (220,144,57), (228,100,59), (233,68,60)],
        19: [(138,17,0), (239,39,0), (255,121,0), (254,244,1), (166,249,86), (97,246,156), (1,232,255), (7,88,255), (4,25,145), (128,102,64)],
        20: [(0,0,0), (137,0,139), (218,0,218), (196,0,255), (0,92,255), (0,198,252), (0,244,215), (0,220,101), (7,193,0), (115,220,0), (249,251,0), (254,178,0), (253,77,0), (255,15,15), (255,135,135), (255,255,255)],
        21: [(0,251,255), (255,255,255), (217,217,217), (83,114,115)]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__colors)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return [LBColor(*color) for color in self.__colors[key]]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.__colors[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.__colors[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__colors)

Ancestors (in MRO)


def __init__(


def __init__(self):
    self.__colors = {
    0: [(75, 107, 169), (115, 147, 202), (170, 200, 247), (193, 213, 208), (245, 239, 103), (252, 230, 74), (239, 156, 21), (234, 123, 0), (234, 74, 0), (234, 38, 0)],
    1: [(49,54,149), (69,117,180), (116,173,209), (171,217,233), (224,243,248), (255,255,191), (254,224,144), (253,174,97), (244,109,67), (215,48,39), (165,0,38)],
    2: [(4,25,145), (7,48,224), (7,88,255), (1,232,255), (97,246,156), (166,249,86), (254,244,1), (255,121,0), (239,39,0), (138,17,0)],
    3: [(255,20,147), (240,47,145), (203,117,139), (160,196,133), (132,248,129), (124,253,132), (96,239,160), (53,217,203), (15,198,240), (0,191,255)],
    4: [(0,13,255), (0,41,234), (0,113,181), (0,194,122), (0,248,82), (8,247,75), (64,191,58), (150,105,32), (225,30,9), (255,0,0)],
    5: [(55,55,55), (235,235,235)],
    6: [(0,0,255), (53,0,202), (107,0,148), (160,0,95), (214,0,41), (255,12,0), (255,66,0), (255,119,0), (255,173,0), (255,226,0), (255,255,0)],
    7: [(0,0,0), (110,0,153), (255,0,0), (255,255,102), (255,255,255)],
    8: [(0,136,255), (200,225,255), (255,255,255), (255,230,230), (255,0,0)],
    9: [(0,136,255), (67,176,255), (134,215,255), (174,228,255), (215,242,255), (255,255,255), (255,243,243), (255,0,0)],
    10: [(255,255,255), (255,0,0)],
    11: [(255,255,255), (0,136,255)],
    12: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
    13: [(5,48,97), (33,102,172), (67,147,195), (146,197,222), (209,229,240), (255,255,255), (244,165,130), (178,24,43)],
    14: [(255,255,255), (253,219,199), (244,165,130), (214,96,77), (178,24,43), (103,0,31)],
    15: [(255,255,255), (209,229,240), (146,197,222), (67,147,195), (33,102,172), (5,48,97)],
    16: [(0,0,0), (255,255,255)],
    17: [(0,16,120), (38,70,160), (5,180,222), (16,180,109), (59,183,35), (143,209,19), (228,215,29), (246,147,17), (243,74,0), (255,0,0)],
    18: [(69,92,166), (66,128,167), (62,176,168), (78,181,137), (120,188,59), (139,184,46), (197,157,54), (220,144,57), (228,100,59), (233,68,60)],
    19: [(138,17,0), (239,39,0), (255,121,0), (254,244,1), (166,249,86), (97,246,156), (1,232,255), (7,88,255), (4,25,145), (128,102,64)],
    20: [(0,0,0), (137,0,139), (218,0,218), (196,0,255), (0,92,255), (0,198,252), (0,244,215), (0,220,101), (7,193,0), (115,220,0), (249,251,0), (254,178,0), (253,77,0), (255,15,15), (255,135,135), (255,255,255)],
    21: [(0,251,255), (255,255,255), (217,217,217), (83,114,115)]